chapter 543

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There was no torture not done to the lady dragon soldier, but he still wouldn't talk

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There was no torture not done to the lady dragon soldier, but he still wouldn't talk. Despite knowing that his fellow soldiers came here and didn't rescue him, he still remained loyal to the lady dragon and didn't speak a word.

"How did he still not talk after that?" Coco exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration and disbelief. She paced back and forth, her body language reflecting her agitation. Each step she took mirrored her mounting irritation and desperation.

"What will it take to get you to talk?! Huh?" Coco screamed in annoyance as she slapped the tied-up man again. This time, she slapped him so hard that her hand started hurting. A sharp gasp escaped her lips as pain shot through her hand, her face contorting with a mix of anguish and anger. She cradled her throbbing hand, massaging it in an attempt to alleviate the discomfort while her eyes remained fixed on the unyielding soldier.

"So we went through all that trouble to kidnap this man only for it to be for nothing?" Coco's voice resonated with anger, her hands gesturing wildly in the air, her frustration evident in her every movement. She threw her hands in the air in anger, her gestures mirroring her exasperation.

The soldier they had kidnapped had still not talked, no matter what they did to him.

And Elsa, deep in thought, sat silently, her brow furrowed as she contemplated the situation. Her eyes were distant, lost in a labyrinth of unanswered questions and conflicting emotions. Coco, feeling the weight of Elsa's contemplation, approached her, her steps heavy with frustration. As she reached Elsa, she gently touched her arm, her tone laced with concern.

"Elsa, what are you thinking about?" Coco asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a touch of impatience. She reached out to massage her hurting wrist, her movements gentle yet urgent. "Is it about the girl from earlier?"

Elsa nodded, her gaze focused on a distant point, her voice barely audible as she shared her thoughts. The girl's actions had left an indelible mark on Elsa's heart, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within her. The drugging, the act of kindness, the mysterious escape – they all played like a symphony in Elsa's mind, evoking a sense of wonder and longing.

Who was she? Why did he hug her and cry? Why was she adamant in letting Elsa see her face? "I truly want to know who she is," Elsa said in a voice barely audible.

The room fell silent as Coco processed Elsa's words. She glanced at the soldier, her eyes narrowing slightly, contemplating the possibility. The enigmatic girl's refusal to reveal her face had left Coco skeptical, but Elsa's earnest desire to uncover her identity sparked a flicker of curiosity within her.

"It's probably one of Anastasia's soldiers keeping you from going to her lair. That is why she stopped you and drugged you," Coco said, her voice tinged with a mix of pragmatism and concern. She shrugged, her body language reflecting her dismissive attitude towards the girl's hidden identity.

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