chapter 532

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Elsa was just about to answer the question when suddenly, the vent in the room started bringing in some unknown gas. Sensing what was going on and what was about to happen, Gwen pulled Elsa in for a hug. "As long as you're happy, sister, anything is possible."

Elsa did not understand what was happening and was even more confused when she saw Gwen putting on a mask. Before she could ask anything, she started feeling dizzy and sleepy. Gwen held her tightly and waited until she fell asleep before letting her go with a kiss on her cheek.

Without waiting for Roman Hernandez to come and force her out of the room, which was the reason Elsa had to be put to sleep so she wouldn't see Gwen and Roman at the same time and realize something was wrong, she left the room on her own and headed to Adam's office. If Elsa saw Gwen and Roman in the same room, she might realize she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating her sister, which they did not want to deal with at the moment.

She went straight to Doctor Adam's office and found him seated at his desk with Roman on the other side. Adam was handing Roman some papers he had with him, and Gwen could only guess they were the results of the tests done on Elsa.

The two men acknowledged her presence, and Doctor Adam even asked her to sit down next to Roman. But Gwen was too anxious and scared to be able to take a seat.

"What do the results say, Doctor? Is my sister going to be okay? Can we operate on her tumor and save her?" Gwen asked, her heart in her hands. She was afraid of the answer because there was a good chance it would be negative.

She looked at the doctor, trying to read his expression so she could tell if she should get her hopes up or not.


Meanwhile, in Serpens, at the cemetery where the Halversons were buried, a woman dressed in black walked inside. She wore a shawl on her head that covered all her hair and used it to conceal her face from the nose down, making it impossible for anyone to see her face or discern her appearance. The only visible feature were her eyes, which had a unique color. She held a bouquet of red roses in her hands and had a determined look in her eyes as she knew which grave she was going to visit. Slowly and carefully, she made her way through the graves until she reached the Halversons' resting place.

As she passed Jenna Halverson's grave, a wave of emotions washed over her. She then moved to Amelia Halverson's grave and smiled dryly. When she reached the grave of the child Elsa miscarried, she narrowed her eyes but kept a blank expression on her face. Finally, she knelt down at the grave of the daughter Elsa thought was hers and Jeremy's, placing the roses on the stone as tears streamed down her cheeks unnoticed.

"My baby girl, my sweet child. They took you from me, using you as a pawn in their twisted game and ultimately causing your death. That wicked woman Victoria snatched you away," she wept helplessly. "She did it all to get back at Elsa, to remove her from the picture. You were innocent, yet you were sacrificed to punish Elsa. I know I shouldn't blame her, but I do. Your death is the fault of both Victoria and Elsa. I despise them both."

She angrily wiped away her tears and declared, "Even though Victoria is gone, someone must pay for the injustice and cruelty you endured. Someone must answer for the pain you suffered from the moment you entered this world. And I know who that person is." Her eyes filled with pure venom and rage. "Do not fear, my sweet child, my baby girl. Those who played a role in your demise will face my wrath. Your mother will seek justice for you. I promise."

Sensing someone approaching, she swiftly rose, leaving the flowers on the grave marked "Daughter of Elsa Halverson," and fled with tears streaming down her face. Her only regret was that Victoria had died before she could exact revenge. However, she vowed not to make the same mistake with the others she held responsible. They would all pay, and she had a plan to ensure it.

She was determined to send them all to hell, even if that meant taking them there herself. Her daughter must be avenged.


Me VS The motivation to keep writing this book after so many discouraging things have happened since the year started.

Me VS The motivation to keep writing this book after so many discouraging things have happened since the year started

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