chapter 535

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At the crack of dawn, Elsa woke up from her slumber and descended the stairs, determined to prepare a special breakfast for her beloved children. Having arrived home late the previous night while they were already asleep, she yearned to surprise them with her presence.

As she reached the bottom of the staircase, her driver, Luca, approached with a greeting. "Good morning, Madam," he spoke with a respectful tone.

"Good morning, Luca. What's going on?" Elsa inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Luca proceeded to share the news, "Mrs. Lorna Callahan has requested to borrow one of your cars to go to the airport."

"Airport? Is she leaving?" Elsa was about to celebrate at just the thought of that.

"No. I didn't see her with any bags. She mentioned that she's picking someone up, not leaving herself."

Elsa contemplated for a moment, her thoughts racing. "Could it be the Old Master? Did she call him to come here?" she pondered aloud.

Maintaining her composure, Elsa replied calmly, "Certainly, you can drive her there. No worries."

"As you wish, Madam," Luca acknowledged, accepting her decision.

With a nod, Elsa turned her attention towards the kitchen, ready to resume her breakfast preparations. Just as she was about to continue on her path, she heard two melodic voices calling out to her, "Mummy!" The sound of little feet scampering toward her reached her ears, and she couldn't help but smile. Even without looking, she knew those sweet voices belonged to Yuliana and Braden, her precious children who had missed her dearly.

She turned around and crouched down opening her arms so her children and jump into her arms for a hug. "My babies! I have missed you both so much!"


Elsa dedicated the morning to her children, lovingly preparing and serving them breakfast. Before long, Coco and Jeremy joined the family, settling down to enjoy their own meal.

With the children content and occupied in their playtime, Elsa retrieved her laptop, which held her meticulously crafted plan for the upcoming night. As she opened it, she turned to Jeremy and Coco, sharing the details. "Tonight is Knox's black market party. Reliable sources have informed me that Anastasia herself will be in attendance. New information, but this works to our advantage."

Coco's voice trembled with concern as she asked, "Are you planning to confront Anastasia?" The thought of facing off against the formidable figure filled Coco with a sense of dread, aware of the dangers that could befall Elsa. Anastasia would not hesitate to kill Elsa when she sees her.

Elsa reassured her, "No, I have no intention of confronting Anastasia directly. Her presence means that a greater number of her bodyguards and soldiers will be present, ensuring her protection. This increases our chances of capturing one of them and extracting valuable information."

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