chapter 509

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Jeremy spent every day with the children until the second-to-last day. He did not participate in any activities at all. All he did was stay at the hotel and hang out with the children. They would just say what they wanted, and Jeremy would tell the staff to bring it to his room. It was mostly a lot of junk food that their mother wouldn't allow them to touch, so of course Jeremy was their favorite at that moment.

In the morning, when the children knew that it was the last day they would get to spend time with Jeremy before he boarded a plane at seven in the morning the next day, they felt sad and went to their mother with a request. Braden was the one who spoke first. "Mommy, when we go to see daddy, can we bring him back home with us this time? He is leaving tomorrow, and we want him to stay here with us."

When Elsa heard Braden's words, she was taken aback. But she composed herself and answered him blankly, "No, we can't. In fact, you won't see your father for a long time."

This time, it was Yuliana who spoke as she tried to convince Elsa. "But mommy, why? Why can't uncle come stay with us?"

"Because he has to go back home, to Serpens."

"Then let's all go back with him. When my daddy comes back, he will follow us there, and we will all live together." Yuliana suggested, as if giving Elsa an ultimatum for them all to be together.

Elsa looked at her daughter and sighed. Then, she shook her head quickly. "No, Yuliana. That is not happening." She answered with a tone that showed her decision was final.

"But mommy—"

"Be a good girl and don't ask again after I said no." Elsa interrupted her. She did not want to talk to her harshly, but she did not want her to keep insisting on that after Elsa clearly said no.

When Yuliana heard this, she pouted and got teary.

Braden, too, was looking at Elsa as if she had just wronged him. Then, with a little voice, he started his accusations, "Mommy, you don't want daddy to stay with us anymore? Is it because daddy is blind now and cannot see? Is that why you don't want him anymore?"

When Elsa heard that, she looked at Braden in shock. She crouched down next to him and asked, "Braden, what did you just say? Your father is blind?"

That was when Braden's eyes went wide, and he covered his mouth with his hand. He had just revealed a secret he was told not to tell.

Yuliana, seeing that Braden had told Elsa the secret, turned to him while shaking her head. Then, she said to him, "Bradie, no. Uncle said we don't tell mommy that he is blind. So don't tell mommy."

My comment; we all saw that coming, didn't we?... There was no way these two were going to keep that secret.

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