chapter 511

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Hearing Elsa's voice, Jeremy got the worst jump scare. "Why is Elsa here? When did she come? Did she hear what I just said?"

Jeremy's thoughts were all over the place as he tried to compose himself.

When he finally relaxed, he said to her, "I didn't know you were the one calling me, Miss Halverson."

That was obviously a lie because when the phone rang, he said the nickname he called her.

Elsa walked closer to him and waved her hand next to his eyes to see if he would flinch, but he didn't. "Jeremy, are you blind?" Elsa asked this not because she did not know for sure, but because she wanted him to tell her himself.

When Jeremy heard that question, his heart skipped a beat. He still did not want Elsa to know, so he said with a nervous chuckle, "That's a funny joke, Miss Halverson. Why would I be blind?"

"Maybe you have been since the fire. Maybe the smoke affected your eyesight..." Elsa said quickly, while looking into his eyes.

"You're overthinking things, Elsa. I am not blind. You can go back to your life with Lui. You don't have to think or worry about me."

Elsa raised her eyebrow when she heard that. "Who said I think and worry about you?" She asked in amusement.

That made Jeremy smile bitterly. Of course, Elsa wouldn't be worried about him. "Right. Why would you be worried about a scumbag like me?"

Not expecting an answer, Jeremy slowly got out of bed. Not wanting to give Elsa proof that he was truly blind, he wanted to get out without touching anything for support. But he barely got out of bed when he tripped and started falling.

Seeing him about to hit the floor, like a reflex, Elsa rushed to his side, held him in her arms, and prevented that. Feeling Elsa holding him, Jeremy was surprised.

Even after he regained his balance, Elsa kept her hold on him as she kept looking into his grey eyes.

Now she probably won't get over her fears, now that she knew how hurt Jeremy was in the fire. She couldn't help but feel guilty now. Jeremy got hurt and she left him. She should have at least taken care of him until he healed.

But just then, as she was still holding him, Maricuz walked through the door. Looking at the sight in front of her with a question, she asked, "Elsa, what are you doing in my boyfriend's room?"

That made Elsa turn to look at the door. Seeing Maricuz, she remembered that Jeremy had someone now and let go of him.

She then said to Maricuz with a fake smile, "Your boyfriend almost fell, I was helping him. That's all."

Despite giving a clear answer of what happened, Maricuz was still looking at Elsa suspiciously. "Well, since he is not falling anymore, you can leave now. Right?"

Not expecting such an attitude from her and hostile eyes, Elsa chuckled. "I don't have a problem with you, Maricruz Delgado. We barely even know each other."

"Well, if you don't want a problem with me, don't let me find you in my boyfriend's hotel room ever again!"

Elsa looked at her with shock and a laugh then back at Jeremy, who was quietly looking around as he stood there like a statue.

She turned to Maricuz about to say something when her phone rang in her pocket.

Taking her attention there, Elsa took out her phone to check who was calling. It was Coco. "Hey Coco, what's up?" she asked, hoping there was no emergency.

"Elsa, I got a tip. Nick Hawley will be at Paxton Valley to make a trade with some goons. This could be our chance to get him so we don't have to wait until the black market party."

When Elsa heard that, she felt like Lady Luck had just smiled at her. With a relieved smile on her face, she said to Coco, "I'll go there right now."

"Alone?" Coco asked, feeling worried.

"Sure, it's still daytime, so I'll be fine."

"Okay. Be careful. Nick may not be as dangerous as the Lady Dragon, but he can hurt you. Make sure to load your gun."

"I will. Promise."

Elsa then ended the call and turned to Jeremy and Maricuz. Without saying anything, she turned around and left in a hurry, almost running.

All Elsa could think of was getting Nick Hawley and then finding Lui. Hearing Elsa leave, Jeremy became curious and worried. He had overheard their conversation about goons and the black market party. Was Elsa still getting involved with the mafia, criminals, and the black market?

And who was the lady dragon? That sounded like a criminal.

Jeremy became so worried that he started walking towards the door, wanting to follow her. "Angel, where are you going?" he called out, but didn't receive an answer because Elsa had already left the room.

He had barely taken three steps when a hand held him back. "Jeremy, where are you going? The reason why you told Elsa that I am your girlfriend was so that you two could stay away from each other, remember? And I wanted to invite you to dinner tonight!"

Instead of listening to Maricuz or answering her, Jeremy took his arm back, walked past her, and headed in the direction he had heard Elsa leave from.

But by the time he reached the door, Elsa was already heading downstairs, on her way to her car.

Jeremy felt worry rush over him as he wondered what Elsa was going to do and how dangerous those goons were. He had to go to where she was in case she needed him. There was no way he was going to sit here comfortably while Elsa put herself in danger.

If Coco had told her she needed a gun, Jeremy knew this was going to be a violent meeting.

With that, Jeremy decided to find a way to get to that valley.

Being used to the darkness by now, Jeremy made his way downstairs. But since this was an unfamiliar place to him, he knocked over a vase or two and missed some steps on the stairs, almost falling down.

When one of the gardeners who was coming in saw a blind man walking around on his own, without anyone helping him or a walking stick, he put his tools down and rushed over to Jeremy.

"Mister, be careful, you almost ran into a table," he said as he held his arms out and led him in the other direction.

"Thank you," Jeremy said as he continued walking.

"Where are you going? Is it by the pool? Let me help you and take you there."

His question gave Jeremy an idea, so he stopped and said, "No, I am not going to the pool. I want to go somewhere else. Maybe you can drive me there. I'll pay you."


"Paxton Valley. Do you know it?"

"Yes, I do. Do you want to meet someone there?"

"I do. Right now. I am actually late, so can you take me immediately?"

"Sure. It's not very far from here. I'm on my break, so I can take you there right now. Just wait for me here, let me put my tools away, and then I'll come get you so we can leave."

With a sigh of relief, Jeremy said, "Thank you." He had to find Elsa as fast as possible.


My comment; I’m glad being blind did not make Jeremy weak, or a coward.

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