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"Brother Qin, you have a good rest today. How about we go out to sea with Yu Lei and the others tomorrow?" Wang Xiaoquan tried to direct his and Qin Han's attention elsewhere. There was ambiguity in the bathroom. The atmosphere is really overwhelming.

"Yu Lei? Who is Yu Lei? Why haven't I heard you talk about it before?" The alarm bell in Qin Han's heart, who is now quite a warrior, immediately sounded. He met a stranger by fate while traveling. What a classic initiation. What a scene! Of course, in some respects, Wang Xiaoquan's goal has indeed been achieved.

"We met in the restaurant during lunch today. Brother Qin, what do you think it's a coincidence? Yu Lei and the other five are in the same situation as me. They are all students who have been admitted to the university and dropped out of school early. Besides, Mi Hui plans to apply for B Dawai, the other four are all like me, preparing to apply for Q University, maybe we can become classmates in the future!" Wang Xiaoquan said in a cheerful tone while massaging Qin Han with his own inexperienced skills. He's not as capable as Qin Han. Yu Lei and the others obviously like soft girls, okay? Besides, he's not a heartthrob, why can't he attract everyone he meets? We are just friends who met by chance and have similar tastes. There is no need to make things so complicated.

"Oh, are they the boys who were with you before?" Seeing that Wang Xiaoquan's expression was as natural as usual, Qin Han felt relieved a little, but when he heard that those guys might be Xiaoquan's alumni or even classmates , Qin Han felt very uncomfortable. He knew that his current state of worrying about gains and losses was a bit bad, but he just couldn't control himself. Maybe it was because he lacked confidence in the relationship between them?

"Well, they are very nice people. I will introduce you to each other tomorrow. Then we can rent a speedboat and go out to sea together. How about I cook a seafood dinner for you?" Wang Xiaoquan suggested cheerfully, without waiting for Qin Han to answer. Then he asked cautiously, "Brother Qin, what did you say before that you almost made your grandpa go to the hospital? Didn't you tell your grandpa about our relationship?" "

Well, I want to be with you. You can't hide it all your life, so I told my grandpa when he was happy." Seeing the worry on Wang Xiaoquan's face, Qin Han patted his hand reassuringly and said comfortingly: "My grandpa was really worried at first. It was quite shocking and hard to accept, but it got better after a while. Although he still hasn't let go, his attitude has softened. I believe that he will agree one day."

Although Qin Hanyun glanced lightly . However, Wang Xiaoquan knew clearly that the matter must be much more complicated, and he felt sweet and guilty at the same time, "So how is your grandpa now? What you should have told me before was that it was between the two of us. Isn't it hard for you to bear all the things during the period?"

"Don't worry, my grandpa is doing very well now, especially after drinking the medicinal wine you sent me, his old illnesses have been alleviated a lot." Qin Han sat up and took Wang Xiaoquan, who was full of worry and guilt, into his arms and comforted him for a while. Then he looked into Wang Xiaoquan's eyes and asked seriously: "It's no use telling you that you worry. I can do it alone. As long as you can Just stand firmly behind me and support me. Xiaoquan, will you stand firmly by my side?" "

Yes, I will." Who else but you would treat me so sincerely and considerately? ?

The two of them hugged each other quietly in the misty bathroom, feeling unprecedented peace and happiness in their hearts. What is love? They don't understand that people like them may never understand the kind of relationship that is too intense and has a short shelf life! They only know that the other person is the most suitable person to spend their life with, they can open their hearts to each other without any scruples, and they can trust each other without any doubt! This is enough, such a calm and long-lasting relationship is what they need.

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