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"Wow, luckily I wore a huge down jacket when I came here. It's really cold in Beijing. The temperature is much lower than where we are, right?" As soon as they left the airport, a group of people who were accustomed to the mild winter in the south They were suddenly shivering from the cold wind. Although they had thickened their clothes and were fully prepared, everyone still felt a little overwhelmed by the biting cold wind.

"Indeed, I originally thought about spending a few days in the capital after finishing the exam before going back. Now it seems that I'd better forget it! In such a cold weather, going out is just for fun..." Wang Kun rubbed his hands Rubbing his nose which was red from the cold, he said in a muffled voice.

"Why are you anxious? There will be plenty of opportunities and time to go out for fun in the future. It's better to stay in the hotel these two days to avoid catching a cold and affecting your performance..." Wang Xiaoquan didn't have as big a reaction as others. Although his cultivation level was Not high, but his physical fitness is still much better than that of ordinary people. Although he has not yet reached the level where he is immune to cold and heat, his ability to withstand cold and heat has indeed improved a lot.

"Well, I definitely won't go out. I'm about to freeze to death. Oh, oh, oh, Koizumi, won't we have to endure such cold weather every winter for the next four years or even longer!" His face was blown by the cold wind. The red Wang Kun wailed pitifully.

"We flew directly from J City this time, and our bodies haven't adapted yet, so that's why we feel so cold. But if we go to college here, from September to winter, there will still be a long period of adaptation. , I will definitely not feel this unbearable by then..." Wang Xiaoquan patted Wang Kun's shoulder to comfort him.

"Oh, that's good, that's good..."

Wang Xiaoquan and his group of six people quickly stopped a taxi to go to Q University. Just now, Teacher Zhu received a notification call saying that their accommodation has been arranged and it was Q University. Large on-campus hotel. Although the on-campus hotel may not be as luxurious as the hotels outside, it is very convenient to participate in activities and other activities on campus. These southerners who have not adapted to the northern weather are naturally very happy. They have made up their mind to stay in the room when they have nothing to do. It's even better now. They can save time waiting for the bus.

"Hey, Xiaoquan, where are you now? Have you found a place to live?" Wang Xiaoquan got out of the taxi and received a call from Yu Lei before he entered the Q gate. None of their homes are close to the school. Even Mi Hui's father is a professor at Q University, and Mi Hui's family is located in Q University. No wonder he was the only one among them who didn't want to come to Q University. He was probably afraid of being controlled by his parents even after going to university, right?

"I just got off the car and have already arrived at the gate. We are staying in an on-campus hotel these days. It seems to be called Yuan Hotel..." Teacher Zhu just spoke vaguely. He probably didn't hear clearly when he answered the phone.

"Is it the Jinchunyuan Hotel? I know where it is. Let's go find you now. See you later..." "

Well, see you later..."

"Xiaoquan, the friend you met in Hainan is coming to find you. Are they all like you, preparing to apply for physics?" "

Well, one is preparing to apply for foreign languages, another is applying for foreign trade in University B, and the others are preparing to apply for physics..." "

Hey, that's great, now School hasn't started yet, and you already know several of your classmates..." Senior senior Zhang Min, who was sitting next to Wang Xiaoquan, said with envy on her face.

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