ch. 22

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kunimi turned his head in the direction of the voice and caught shiho frantically waving at him from in front of a stall.

"i thought the karasuno freak duo was with her.. why is she alone?" he questioned to himself, walking over to the girl.

"hey, what's up? i thought the karasuno freak duo was with you." "tobio and shoyo," she corrected. " i may or may not have gotten distracted at a stall and lost them."

kunimi stared at the girl in disbelief.

"i- i texted them and we agreed to meet up later with the rest of the teams to watch the fireworks later though!" she quickly covered, laughing sheepishly.

"so you've been alone?" kunimi asked, frowning. "yeah! only for like... ten minutes tho. lucky i found you, or i would be running around the place trying to find someone from the team," shiho smiled.

"how come you were alone though? i thought you'd be with yu," shiho asked, a worried expression on her face. "he went to hang out with some friends from his class. i don't really mind though. i'm not good with big crowds anyway," kunimi shrugged.

"oh. yeah. anyway, now that i found you, we can stick together until the fireworks start! it's not easy to find someone in a place with so many people," she grimaced.

"i can't believe you managed to lose kageyama and hinata... you really are stupid sometimes," kunimi sighed." "hey, it's not my fault! i was third wheeling anyway. plus, i really wanted that gojo plush..." shiho trailed off, her eyes glancing towards the stall she was standing in front of.

the boy followed her eyes over to the dart mini-game stall, which displayed a large gojo plush hanging from the prize rack.

he sighed again, shaking his head. "you lost the freak duo because you wanted a gojo plush?" he raised an eyebrow and shot a disappointed look at shiho.

"shut up... i haven't been able to get it, either. i've tried like, four times. now i only have one ticket left," she pouted.

kunimi reached out and took the ticket from her hand, handing it over to the stall vendor. "HEY! I PAYED FOR TH-" "shut up and let me do it."

kunimi picked up a dart and closed one eye, exhaling and aiming it at the pink balloon furthest from him. "the furthest one should get you the gojo plush, yeah?" "huh? i mean, yeah, but it's really hard to-"

before she could finish, kunimi threw the dart and hit the balloon, earning cheers from people nearby. "congratulations, young man! no one has been able to hit that balloon today, that's a lot of skill you've got!" the stall vendor congratulated.

"what prize would you like? you can choose any, since you managed to hit the hardest target!" "i'll take that gojo plush, please," kunimi muttered, a little embarrassed at the attention he had gathered.

"haha! your girlfriend here was trying really hard to get that plush. lucky you showed up in time before she ran out of tickets, eh? lucky girl, she is," the vendor chuckled, handing the gojo plush to shiho.

"ah! we-we aren't.. dating..." shiho trailed off as she accepted the plush, hiding her red face behind it. "oh! my apologies. you two would be a cute couple. make sure to express your feelings while you can, okay?" the vendor winked, waving as the two hurriedly thanked him and left.

"ah, young love."


the two were silent as shiho hugged the gojo plush while kunimi walked beside her, glancing at the girl every once in a while.

"she seems kinda out of it after what the vendor said.. i can tell she's over thinking it," he thought, sighing.

"shiho, pay attention to where you're going. you're going to get lost again," he murmured, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"huh?- oh, ye-" she was cut short when she bumped into someone, causing them to stumble backwards. "shit! i am so sorry! are you alright?" shiho panicked, rushing to the woman she'd bumped into.

"ah, no, i'm alright. sorry about that," she chuckled. "no no, i'm sorry! i wasn't looking where i was going and caused you to fall! i'm really sorry," shiho frowned, offering them a hand up.

"it's alright, really. don't worry about it," she said, picking herself up and smiling. "i'll be taking my leave now, my husband is waiting for me."

"oh god, i was so caught up in my own thoughts that i wasn't looking where i was going! probably why i got separated from tobio and shoyo," she sighed, burying her face in her gojo plush once more.

she heard kunimi sigh for the umpteenth time beside her. just as she was about to tell him to stop freaking sighing, a hand slipped into her own.

the sudden touch made her jolt as her heart skipped a beat. her gaze darted to her hand, and trailing up the arm, she realised it was kunimi who was holding her hand.

"so you.. don't get lost. or bump into someone else," he muttered, turning his head away in embarrassment. shiho could see the tips of his ears burning red as she stared at the boy.

her own face was tainted with pink as she tentatively returned the gesture, curling her fingers around kunimi's. "his hands are really warm," she thought.

"...thanks," she murmured, looking back ahead. she tried to keep her cool but couldn't help it when a stupid smile crept onto her face, refusing to leave.

kunimi glanced over at the girl to see her smiling widely, cheeks stained with pink. he smiled softly as he captured the moment, wishing he could keep it forever.

"mhm. let's get going, we'll have to find both teams soon if we want to catch the fireworks together."


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