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"It's fucking cold," Maggie mutters

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"It's fucking cold," Maggie mutters.

"Tell me about it," Harry replies.

Maggie shivers as the wind bites against her bare skin as she stands on the edge of the platform. She had a red swimsuit and matching red bicycle shorts on and it did nothing to shield her against the biting January winds.

"Fred, Hermione and Ron were all missing this morning," Harry says and Maggie nods before her face contorts.

"Oh my god,"

"On the cannon!"

The sound of the cannon echoes through the air, a deafening bang that marks the beginning of the task. Maggie wastes no time and dives off the platform, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. As she plunges into the water, a bubble materializes around her mouth and nose, providing her with much-needed air.

The frigid water envelopes her, engulfing her in its icy embrace as she descends beneath the surface. Her eyes dart around, scanning the immediate vicinity for any signs of danger. Satisfied that there are no threats in sight, she tries to map out some form of strategy in her head.

As Maggie swims through the water, she is surrounded by the vibrant plant life that thrives beneath the surface. Suddenly, a menacing vine shoots up, its tendrils reaching out towards her ankle. Maggie's quick reflexes save her as she brandishes her wand and unleashes a brilliant burst of red light. The vine recoils instantly, retreating back into the depths from which it emerged.

The swim turned out to be relatively easy for Maggie, despite the occasional onslaught of reaching vines and the unwelcome presence of a few vicious grindylows that lurked beneath the surface, trying to drag her down to the dark abyss.

The familiar enchanting mermaid song travels through the water, spurring Maggie to swim faster. But as she draws nearer, she slows her swim and her eyes widen in horror. The suspicion she had been harbouring all along is confirmed in front of her very eyes - it was not just mermaids before her in the water. The sight of four figures in the water was horrifying, how lifeless they looked.

The four figures are anchored down by a long strand of seaweed, tightly bound around their ankles. They appear peaceful and calm, their hair flowing around them like ribbons, their eyes shut in a serene expression. The mermaids in the vicinity watch Maggie with caution as she swims towards the four captives, determined to finish her task.

Maggie swims towards Fred's still figure, his deep brown eyes hidden behind his eyelids. As she gets closer, she notices a faint red colour on his nose and cheeks which she assumes is from the sheer cold of the water.

Upon closer inspection, she realizes that Fred isn't breathing, but she assumes that he is protected by a powerful stasis enchantment that allows him to stay submerged without any harm.

As the seaweed sways with the movement of the water, the witch's attention is drawn to a figure approaching from behind. She turns to see Harry, a look of relief crossing her face as she realizes it wasn't a stray grindylow.

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