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The bathroom is filled with the chatter of Maggie, Angelina and Hermione as they enjoy the bliss of a free period

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The bathroom is filled with the chatter of Maggie, Angelina and Hermione as they enjoy the bliss of a free period. They were heading to the library afterwards but had decided to go to the bathroom first as Hermione needed to use the toilet and Maggie wanted to fix her lipgloss.

"Honestly," Angelina shakes her head. "That Umbridge woman is ridiculous"

"She's worse at Ministry events," Maggie snorts. "Her voice goes up by another three octaves"

"Oh you poor thing," Angelina pats Maggie's shoulder.

"All so very traumatic," Maggie nods, capping her lipgloss as Hermione washes her hands.


Maggie's attention is instantly captured as she hears her paternal surname being used. Her eyes shift towards the entrance of the bathroom, where Gemma Fawcett, the head Slytherin Prefect, stands with a clipboard in her hands. Gemma's gaze is fixed on the three Gryffindors present in the bathroom, her expression reflecting a mix of superiority and glee.

"We have a free afternoon Fawcett, chill your knickers," Maggie rolls her eyes.

"Your business here must be stated," Fawcett says.

"Says who?" Maggie scoffs.

"Educational Decree 67. 'Students found in small gatherings of three or more must state their business to members of the Inquisitorial Squad'," Fawcett recites, tapping the badge on her chest.

"Right," Maggie rolls her eyes again. "So, our business here is that we needed to piss. Is that now a crime? Would you rather we do it in the hallway?"

"I'm writing you up for fowl language Crouch,"

"It's McKinnon," Maggie seethes.

"You helped hide your father, you're just as guilty as your grandfather which makes you a Crouch. This poor, abused puppy act will only last for so long," Fawcett sneers causing Angelina to gasp as Hermione's hands fly to her mouth in shock.

A humourless chuckle falls from Maggie's freshly glossed lips as she drops her bag onto the floor before walking towards Fawcett. Without a word, she raises her hand and delivers a swift blow to the side of Gemma's face. The impact sends the Slytherin's head snapping to the side, causing her to stagger backwards slightly.

"Don't talk about things you know fuck all about Fawcett," Maggie sneers.

Maggie's face was violently struck by a hand, causing her head to jerk to one side. Despite the pain, a twisted grin slowly spread across her face as she turned her attention back to Gemma. Maggie's tongue ran over her top teeth as she reached out and firmly grasped Gemma's shoulders, forcefully pulling her down towards her.

Hermione and Angelina's panicked shouts are background noises as Maggie smashes her fist into Gemma's nose. The Slytherin howls in pain, her hands flying up to her nose which was now gushing blood and Maggie laughs before stamping on Gemma's hand which was reaching for her wand.

"Maggie! Maggie, stop!"

"Maggie, come on I think she got the message,"

Hermione and Angelina's calls go unheard by the girl as she slowly increases the pressure on Gemma's hand.

The bathroom door slams open, revealing Professor Umbridge standing there, her toad-like eyes wide with shock at the scene unfolding before her. Gemma was crouched down, her hand stuck under Maggie's shoe as the blonde slowly increased the pressure. The lower half of Gemma's face was covered in blood accompanied by a red handprint on the side of her face and a black eye.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Umbridge screeches, her high-pitched voice filling the room.

Maggie pauses, turning to face the pink-clad professor with a defiant glare. Gemma, nursing her injured nose and hand, shoots Maggie a venomous look.

"Professor, we were just having a friendly chat," Maggie retorts, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Did you do this to Miss Fawcett?" Umbridge gasps, examining the girl's face. "Miss Crouch-McKinnon, detention for a month!"

Umbridge's decree hangs heavily in the air, but Maggie remains defiant, her smirk not fading. "Detention for a month? Seems a bit excessive for a friendly chat gone wrong, doesn't it?"

"You are to report to Professor McGonagall at once," Professor Umbridge seethes. "Miss Fawcett, I will help you to the Hospital Wing. As for you two, Miss Granger and Miss Johnson, you should stay away from this one"

"See you later," Maggie offers Hermione and Angelina a salute in farewell as she picks her bag off the ground. "I'll see you around Gemma"

With a final, mocking grin directed at Gemma Fawcett, Maggie turns on her heel and strolls out of the bathroom without a glance back. Hermione and Angelina exchange glances caught between concern and awe at Maggie's audacious exit.

"My office, five pm!" Umbridge shrieks after the blonde.

Maggie doesn't bother responding to Umbridge as she walks down the corridor. The witch inspects her already bruising knuckles, wincing as she flexes her fingers.


Maggie looks up at Fred's voice to find him and George heading straight towards her, amusement on their faces.

"Talk and walk, I've been sent to McGonagall," Maggie says, pressing a kiss to Fred's cheek in greeting.

"We heard you just battered Gemma Fawcett in the bathroom," George says as Fred inspects Maggie's hand.

"Look," Maggie glances back to the bathroom door.

Umbridge walks out of the bathroom accompanied by a sobbing Gemma Fawcett. The Slytherin was extremely dishevelled and clearly did not have the upper hand at any point in the fight.

"I think I broke her hand," Maggie says.

"How?" Fred asks.

"She was reaching for her wand so I stepped on it," Maggie shrugs.

"You messed her up!" George laughs, extending his hand causing Maggie to high-five him.

"Of course I did,"

The trio turns the corner to see students whispering and pointing at the girl, their eyes staring at her bloody and bruised knuckles. Maggie ignores them as they continue on their walk as she tells the twins what had been said in the bathroom.

"She's lucky Umbridge arrived when she did," George comments.

"I think Fawcett got off lucky," Fred scoffs. "Who the hell does she think she's talking to?"

"I think she most certainly learnt her lesson," Maggie grins.

"I hope you're not planning to make a habit out of brawling in bathrooms," Fred teases and Maggie grins at him.

"Only when the occasion calls for it."


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