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The witch turns her head to see Harry, Ron and Hermione rushing towards her with great speed, their eyes reflecting a mix of terror and determination.

"What's going on?"

"Voldemort has Sirius in the Department of Mysteries," Harry pants out, grabbing Maggie's hand to continue heading towards Umbridge's office.


"I saw him, just like how I saw Mr Weasley," Harry says. "He's being tortured"

"Alright," Maggie nods.

With a flick of Maggie's wand, the door of Umbridge's office swings open with a loud creak. Without wasting a moment, Maggie swiftly moves towards the fireplace and tosses a handful of floo powder into the flames, causing them to erupt in a burst of brilliant green flames.

"Alert the Order if you can," Harry states.

"You think you're going on your own?" Maggie snorts. "How you've survived this long is beyond me"

"When are you going to get it in your head that we're in this together?" Hermione asks.

"Indeed you are,"

"Oh dear," Maggie says as they all turn to see Umbridge.

The woman was a mess. Her garments were in a sorry state, with black burn marks and ash all over them. Her hair was a tangled mess, with locks of hair sticking out at odd angles as if she had just been through a wild tornado. However, what was most unsettling was the crazed expression on her face, which gave her an almost manic and demented look.

"Who were you contacting Potter?"

"It wasn't Harry," Maggie says. "It was me"

With a sudden movement, Umbridge seizes Maggie by the arm and forcefully pushes her into the chair. Meanwhile, the rest of the group are held back by the members of the Inquisitorial Squad.

"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?" Umbridge asks.

"No," Maggie shakes her head.


Maggie's head jerks violently to the side as Umbridge's hand forcefully collides with her cheek. A wicked grin spreads across the blonde's face, revealing a ghastly display of blood stains on her teeth. With a fierce look of defiance, Maggie spits directly into Umbridge's face, causing the woman to gasp in disgust and recoil. As Maggie lets out a loud laugh, Umbridge frantically wipes her face.

"Come on Delores," Maggie taunts the woman. "You think that will faze me? You know my case file considering you leaked the tapes to the press"

"Where's your proof?"

"In your eyes," Maggie whispers. "They don't lie"

"You sent for me headmistress?"

As Snape's sharp gaze scans the room, his eyebrows shoot up in surprise at the sight of Maggie. She is tightly bound to the chair, her teeth and lips stained with blood.

"Snape, yes," Umbridge stands up straight. "The time has come for answers, whether Miss Crouch or Mister Potter want to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?"

"I'm afraid you used up all my stores interrogating students," Snape drawls. "The last of it on Miss Chang"

"Well, plot twist," Maggie snickers.

"So unless you wish to poison Miss McKinnon, I cannot help you"

"He's got Padfoot!" Harry exclaims from his place between Ron and Hermione. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden"

"What is he talking about?" Umbridge asks the Professor.

"How should I know?"

Snape disappears and Umbridge turns back to the grinning Maggie before taking a deep breath and straightening her jacket.

"Very well," Umbridge sighs. "You've given me no choice, Miss Crouch. As this is an issue of Ministry Security, you leave me with no alternative. The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue"

"Oh please," Maggie snorts, rolling her eyes. "People really need to become more inventive with torture methods. You're boring me Delores"

Umbridge raises her wand and points it directly at Maggie's face and Maggie grins back at Umbridge, revealing her bloodstained teeth.

"Harry, tell her!" Hermione exclaims and everyone looks at the girl in confusion. "Maggie, you can't cover for him any more!"

"Tell me what?"

"If you don't tell her where it is I will," Hermione says.

"Where what is?" Umbridge asks.

"Dumbledore's secret weapon,"

As Umbridge leads Harry and Hermione towards the Forbidden Forest, Maggie's eyes remain glued to their backs as she watches from the window. She watches them disappear into the forest, and a chuckle escapes her lips, growing louder until it echoes through the office.

"Shut up you crazy bitch," Fawcett points her wand at Maggie's chin. "I'm the one with the power now"

"Are you?" Maggie grins.

Fawcett gasps when Maggie's eyes begin to glow pink, stumbling back as the witch's bindings crumble to ash. Maggie gets to her feet and walks towards Fawcett who stumbles back.

"Give me my wand, Gemma," Maggie says. "Or I'll hang you out the window. Maybe my grip will slip"

The Fawcett girl throws Maggie her wand and the pink glow in her eyes recedes and Maggie smiles brightly, shooting a stunning spell straight at the witch's chest.

The sound of loud heaving causes Maggie to turn and see the other Inquisitorial Squad members vomiting on the floor before Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville stun them.

"Puking Pastilles," Ron grins.


"You're terrifying," Ron says. "I think Fawcett pissed her pants"

"Imagine," Maggie snorts and Ron's face doesn't change. "Oh, you're serious?"

"I think you looked lovely Maggie," Luna smiles.

"Thanks Luna,"

"Thanks Luna,"

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