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"You can't put two of the same baubles next to each other!"

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"You can't put two of the same baubles next to each other!"

George's hands retract from the tree at Hermione's words, placing the bauble back down as Maggie laughs.

"They have to be evenly spaced out," Maggie explains from her position on the sofa with Fred. "So you have a nice range of colours, not just a patch of red here and then gold there"

"Women," George shakes his head. "Pour us a glass will you Mags?"

"White or champagne?" Maggie asks, looking at the bottles on the table. "Or red?"

"White," George says and Maggie nods, pouring George a glass of wine. "You bought fancy wine Mags. This is nice"

"Well, my money isn't going to spend itself," Maggie shrugs.

"I don't understand how you can just sit and drink red without a meal," Hermione says to Fred who shrugs.

"I have this," Draco pulls out a case of Cristal champagne and everyone's eyes widen. "What?"

"A bottle of that is like two hundred pounds!" Hermione says.


"Rich people," George mumbles, drinking from his glass. "Not that I'm complaining, we're living the lush life"

"Hey, I earned this money," Maggie retorts, taking a sip of her champagne. "Lady Luck was on my side"

"Just vaults full of death money?" George asks.

"It's my money now," Maggie says, taking the bottle from Draco's outstretched hand.

"Where are Harry, Ron and Ginny?" Hermione asks.

"Ron and Harry are upstairs with Buckeak," Maggie says.

"Ginny's avoiding Maggie," Fred adds.

"Why is Ginny avoiding you?" Hermione raises an eyebrow.

"She still hasn't apologised," George says. "I think she's scared Maggie will tell her to piss off"

"I don't hold grudges but an apology would be nice," Maggie says, pouring herself another glass of champagne. "But if she's avoiding me, that's her problem."

"She'll come around," Fred reassures.

"Maybe I should go talk to her," Hermione suggests. "Clear the air."

"Or we could play a game! Like..." George pauses momentarily. "Charades!"

"Great idea!" Draco chimes in. "I love a good game"

"Alright, everyone write down some suggestions on some slips of parchment," Maggie says. "Then throw them in the bowl"

As the five teenagers scribble down their ideas, giggles slip from Fred and George's mouths as they fold up their slips.

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