Chapter 3

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The Beginning of the Journey...

An expanse of green and small woods—this was the only way Nimbus could describe the landscape along the narrow dirt road they had been traveling for a few days. A desert without a living soul, except for a humble merchant who, upon crossing paths with them on the road, greeted them with a nod of his head and nothing more. They would be alone if it weren't for the sound of leaves rustling in the wind, the scent of blossoming flowers, the damp earth along the streams, and the numerous animals that paid no mind to human presence.

They traveled leisurely on horseback, with Lonios mounted on his war-trained mare, Tempest, and Nimbus on the pack horse, Blackie, docile animals, although Blackie was a bit stubborn, perhaps because he wasn't accustomed to being used as a mount. Both were beautiful creatures.

After a week of travel and occasional conversations with his master, Nimbus was starting to get used to the horse's trot. Riding for six to eight hours a day was not easy, especially for a novice. They occasionally stopped to rest, eat dried meat during meals, and fish when the taste and leather-like texture grew tiresome. This was when no naive rabbit allowed them to get too close, and Lonios shot it with an arrow.

The pain in the first few days was unbearable. Riding for so many hours on the back of a horse when not accustomed to it was exhausting and caused sores. However, when the boy showed that he was in pain, Sir Lonios just laughed heartily, and over time, Nimbus began to take it in stride and laugh along. And whenever they were in silence, like at that moment, Nimbus reminisced about the moment of his departure.

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Hours before leaving Aldair, Mrs. Zeliudes broke into tears, and Nimbus felt a heavy heart as he had to leave her. But this was his destiny, his dream, and it was coming true—just that was enough. That, and the well-being of the lady who had taught him to be what he was today, and, most importantly, allowed him to follow this path.

Goodbyes are always difficult, and this one was the hardest of his life. Leaving his home and his mother was complicated, but leaving the city where he had lived as far back as he could remember was even more challenging. The farthest he had ventured from there was to go to the port, and even then, he was amidst the crowds waiting for the Ether Travelers, never alone, let alone with a stranger he had just met.

— I remember when you were just a little baby, and your mother placed you in my arms, so tiny and helpless. — Mrs. Zeliudes cried profusely, leaning on her cane and clinging to the boy.

— Mother, I vaguely recall that day, but it's a very blurry memory, I think it's my earliest recollection. — Nimbus was unsure how to behave, holding back his tears. He didn't want to appear weak in front of his new master, but he wasn't very successful. A tear stubbornly escaped from his eye. "Perhaps Sir Lonios thinks it's just a speck," he thought as he discreetly wiped his eye.

— Good memory. — The knight commented, a little surprised that the boy remembered such an early event.

— My son is a genius, I told you, sir.

— We'll see about that, Mrs. Zelides, we'll see. — The knight observed the boy and smiled, running his hand through the boy's head. — And you don't need to go through all these maneuvers; I know you're crying. Go ahead.

Nimbus couldn't hold back and joined the elderly woman in crying copiously. However, after a few minutes of advice from Mrs. Zeliudes and the boy just nodding along, the knight spoke up again.

— It's time to go; the road is long, and I need to reach the capital as quickly as possible.

The former Lieutenant Zeliudes finished bombarding the boy with recommendations and looked deeply at the knight.

The former Lieutenant Zeliudes finished bombarding the boy with recommendations and looked deeply at the knight.

"If I find out that you mistreated my boy without just cause or that you are not keeping your promises, you will have to deal with me, understand?" She kissed the boy on the forehead. "And if you let any harm befall him, I swear I will pursue you to hell if necessary, and then you will regret not having suffered alongside him."

Lonios didn't say anything; he simply nodded and mounted Tempestade. Nimbus followed his example, albeit awkwardly, as riding was still new to him. After all, horses were expensive animals, worthy only of the wealthy members of the government's high ranks. As they rode away from the city, the boy occasionally looked back, observing his old and tearful mother in front of their old house. First, the facade of the old house distanced itself from his view, then the alleys grew into wide avenues, and the slum gave way to luxurious mansions. Finally, the city walls receded, and only roads were the sight that the little boy had when looking back. Then, he spoke to himself.

"The next time I see you, Mom, I will be a Knight. I swear!"

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