Chapter 10 part 2

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Araniz approached the table and began the introductions.

— Gentlemen, these are Sir Lonios the Wanderer and his squire, Nimbus. Sir Lonios, meet Sir Portos Emes. — He was a blond man, tall, with light eyes, a prominent nose, and closely cropped hair. He wore a black overcoat like Lonios, but much less worn. — This is Sir Flavius Wulfric. — He didn't seem to be a native of Cenferum, as he was black, taller than most and slightly overweight, also with closely cropped hair, and he wore a white button-down shirt and leather pants. Both didn't seem to be more than thirty years old.

— The three of us have been working together for a few years, and we will be part of the team responsible for the security of one of the ships. For the other ship, we decided to assemble a new team, which will include you, Sir Adon Ethel — "Could he be Sir Ahbran's brother?" Nimbus wondered. He was the oldest man among them, around sixty years old or even older. Tall, significantly overweight, with a protruding belly, and the top of his head was completely bald, with hair only on the sides, already quite gray. He had a perfectly trimmed beard, and his face was wide due to the fat. Behind him was the boy who had been fighting with the three guards outside. — and Sir Elisis Cirrus. — Nimbus's heart raced; he began to feel cold sweat and discomfort. She was a girl, a little older than Nimbus, maybe around sixteen. She was thin, one meter and seventy centimeters tall, with a slim waist, medium-sized breasts, and her face had a thin, upturned nose, lips not too thin or too thick, with brown eyes and hair. She wore a flared dress, like the noble maidens Nimbus had seen once disembarking from a ship at the port. As he gazed at her, he imagined that he should keep as much distance as possible from her; nothing could happen like with Anabele.

— Sir Adon is a very experienced knight, with many battles and journeys into the Ether. Sir Elisis was proclaimed an Amazon a few months ago, and this will be her first mission. Together with you, they will be the team responsible for the security of the other ship.

— It's an honor, Sir Lonios. — Sir Adon approached the two; the boy behind him followed suit. — This is Valeros, my squire. This will be his last mission as my apprentice. After this, I'll retire as a knight, and he will take my place. So, we can consider him the fourth knight of this mission, on equal footing with me. I'm very pleased to meet you, Sir Lonios. I hope we get along well. And you too, Nimbus, right? — The old knight patted Nimbus on the back.

Despite their cordiality, there was a heavy atmosphere, as if Lonios and Nimbus were not welcome there.

— The honor of joining this team is ours, Sir Adon. Are you a relative of Sir Ahbran? — Lonios asked.

— Yes, I am a cousin on my father's side. Do you know him?

— Yes, he has secured me some knightly jobs a few years ago, nothing major. Probably why he remembered me for this mission.

Flavius, Portos, and Araniz were already engaged in conversation, while the old knight approached Lonios and Nimbus. Adon gave Lonios a pat on the shoulder and returned to his seat without saying a word, and his young squire, indifferent, followed him. The old and obese knight seemed a bit tired and leaned on the chair to sit. Nimbus didn't feel much confidence in his appearance, much like Sir Ahbran; both didn't seem to be in their best shape, but Ahbran surprised him.

Sir Elisis didn't get up from her chair, and Sir Lonios approached her.

— How rude of me! My apologies, Miss. This wandering knight's life made me forget my manners in the presence of a lady. — Lonios took Elisis's hand, and she rose from her chair with her large, swirling dress. When she stood, Lonios kissed her hand, and she held the hem of the dress with her free hand, bending down a bit.

Nimbus figured that besides being an Amazon, she might also be the daughter of a Cenferum politician, making her a sort of noble. Hence, his master's unusual behavior.

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