Chapter 18

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Clashes Among Equals?...

Weeks had passed since Nimbus was found hiding on the Brand, and Lonios was intensifying his training with the young squire.

Every day, Nimbus worked hard in the cleaning crew, took a shower, had lunch, and then engaged in sword practice. Sometimes, he would train for almost four hours after a demanding work shift. Following this, Lonios still insisted that he go to the library and read about a random topic. Lonios believed it was a good idea, especially since Nimbus shared his living space with a friend he had made at work.

Friendships were crucial for someone of Nimbus's age, and he admired his friend's dedication to studying about spaceships.

This day wasn't different from the others. Lonios spotted Nimbus leaving the cafeteria and, as always, was waiting for him in the corridor, exactly halfway to the gym. When Nimbus approached, Lonios wasted no time and asked.

— So, Nimbus, what did you learn about ethics yesterday? — Lonios walked and awaited his disciple's response.

— Ethics is when we try to explain moral rules in a rational way. And morals are rules that guide people, directing their actions and judgments about what is right or wrong, good or bad. However, morality depends on the society in which a person lives; what may be considered moral in one place could be deemed immoral in another culture.

— Very well. Give an example of a society where morality can be considered different. — Lonios knew that as Nimbus studied ethics, he would encounter morality, and consequently, he would have to delve into more than one specific concept to understand the other. All the subjects Lonios used to make Nimbus study were somewhat like this—apparently a single thing but a vast array of concepts that needed to be studied in relation to the first. An avalanche, in Nimbus's opinion.

— Cannibals. For them, consuming human flesh is right, while for non-cannibals, it's an abomination.

They walked a few more meters and reached the large door of the ship's gym. As they entered, someone shouted.


Immediately, all over forty soldiers in the room turned towards the door and stood still with their arms extended alongside their bodies, at attention.

Lonios always forgot that he was the fourth in command of the ship's soldier contingent and was surprised by these military gestures.

— AT EASE — Lonios shouted loudly, and immediately everyone returned to their tasks. Some were practicing archery in the tunnel under Sir Elisis's supervision, others were lifting weights, and some were engaged in simulated combat on the training grounds.

There were also some workers from other parts of the ship sitting on benches near the archery tunnel where Elisis was giving instructions. Lonios identified Jim, the friend Nimbus often talked about, and Ari, another boy Nimbus mentioned as the ship's biggest brown-noser. There were a few more, probably there just to catch a glimpse of Elisis in her revealing combat armor. They pretended to be casual, occasionally glancing at the Amazon, who seemed to enjoy the attention. Elisis locked eyes with Lonios for a few seconds as he walked through the gym, then returned to her duties.

Lonios then spotted Sir Adon in front of the training grounds, likely instructing the soldiers in simulated combat. Valeros was by his side, paying close attention.

— What's happening here? — Lonios asked just before approaching the knight and greeting him with a handshake.

— Today, we're having our weekly training with the contingent. We had to postpone it to the afternoon due to some issues this morning.

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