1-It's Nice To Have A Friend

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June 10th of 2005

Liz took a deep breath, hold it, and let loose 5 arrows that went straight to the center of different targets. The campers behind her started clapping. She turned around and stood a little closer.

"If you want to aim for different targets that are far from each other, you need to put your bow in a horizontal way and set the arrows throughout the bow, make sure the tips are pointing at the targets. Now, you're gonna start slow, grab 2 arrows first, and when you make 3 good shots, you'll grab one more. Make a line"

The campers started making a line as she went to the side of the archery field.

"Not bad Liz" Lee Fletcher said with his arms crossed.

"Thanks Leonard" she replied with a smile.

Lee shook his head and sighed.

"Nope. Try again" he said watching the campers shoot.

"Leopold, Leslie-"

"Leslie?! That's a girls name!" He groaned and stood on his side to stare at her face.

Liz threw her head back laughing and petted his brown curly hair.

"I know, so cute right?" She grabbed his cheeks and shook his head violently "It fits you"

He pushed her hands away and crossed his arms.

"Shut up"

Liz just kept laughing until a horn was heard.

"Lunch time. See you later sweetie" she started jogging to the dining hall.

"It's not fair that you get to eat first!" She heard him yelling and smiled.

She arrived at the dining hall and went to the Hermes Table.

"Hey Conny" she greeted as she sat down on the bench.

"Hey Liz" he said and passed his potatoes to her plate. He doesn't like them, so every time they serve them, he gives them to Liz.

"They're good for you sweetie, try them" she said looking at him. Connor rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Would you STOP saying that? You always say that and I always say NO" he complained.

Liz sighed and ate her food.

A plate was thrown to her left and Travis Stoll sat down next to her.

"Wassup Liz" He greeted her.

"Wassup Trav" She returned with an amused smile "You're late"

"No I'm not" he snapped gritting his teeth.

"Every time I arrive at the dining hall, you're already halfway through your meal, even if I'm on time" she explained laughing at him.

"Fact" Connor said "He's in love with the food"

"Shut up"

Before he could continue, another plate was thrown to the table in front of her and made the liquid of the cups jump out of them.

"And the bad energy just keeps coming" Connor complained and kept eating his food.

Liz sighed and closed her eyes in frustration.

"Did you two had a fight?" She grumbled.

"He tried to fucking kill me!" Travis yelled, which made some heads turn around, and pointed at Luke who was looking at him furious.

"YOU-" Liz shushed him because he was being too loud, so Luke hissed "You were the one who started the fight! I was just trying to teach!"

"You fought in the middle of a class?" Liz interrupted looking at both of them, who lowered their heads at her look. Connor was enjoying the show next to them, hiding his laugh with his hand.

"I can't believe this, I'm so disappointed, in both of you!" She uttered. Even if they were older than her, Travis by 3 years and Luke by 4, they listened to her. She has been at camp the longest, she taught them how to fight and gave them the tour of camp when they arrived. "No dessert for you two, for a week"

They both started to complain but stopped when she gave them a look.

"And if you keep laughing you won't get dessert either Connor!" She said to him. He tried to hold his laughter and eventually managed to do it.

They spent the lunch talking trying to forget the fight and lighten the mood. Liz was growing tired of her friends tapping their feet in the floor anxiously and was very close to scream at them.

When they were almost done, Annabeth walked into the dining hall and headed straight to them.

"Hey Annie" Liz smiled at her.

"Hey Liz" she smiled in return "Chiron sent me to tell you he wants to talk to Travis and Luke, he also wants you there"


"We'll go after lunch" She told her. Annabeth nodded and walked to her table. "You're dead"

A bell ringed and the Hermes table stood up.

"I'm gonna pray for help to my dad" Travis said as he walked to the fire with Luke and Connor.

Liz stayed there at the table alone, while everybody else went to make an offering to their parents. Liz has never made an offering, not even in her first day at camp, she didn't have a reason to do so. Some people told her that she was brave to stand up to the Gods like that, others told her that she was being stupid. She honestly didn't care, she didn't have a single reason to like the Gods, so she didn't care if they don't like her either.


Liz loved the big house, it was painted blue and had three floors, with an attic and a porch that looked out to the lake.

"He will make us clean the Pegasus stables isn't he?" Travis asked worried.

"Probably" Liz replied smiling. She was enjoying this moment. She felt a little sorry for them, but, they earned it.

"Geez, thanks Liz. You're really helpful" Travis complained.

"I'm just glad I'm here" she shrugged her shoulders and tried to hold her laugh.

They stepped in the porch and entered the house. The entrance was a little room that lead to the main living room, it had a big brown couch and two little ones on the sides with a fireplace in the middle. There was also a rocking chair in one corner and a huge plant in the other one Chiron was sitting in his wheelchair next to the couch and smiled at them.

"Welcome kids. Mr. and Mr. Stoll, please sit down. Liz, would you wait a minute outside please?"

She was a little hurt when he didn't say Hi to her, but after she saw his look that clearly said "we will talk later", she obeyed and went to the porch through the other door.

The day had become cloudy after a sunny morning and in the distance a storm could be seen. She frowned and watched the storm, she loved rain and storms but for the last month every day was the same, and it was weird. A sunny morning, then a cloudy and stormy afternoon, sometimes it was the other way, a cloudy morning and a sunny afternoon. But there was always a storm. There has been rumors, yes, but she didn't believe them. She refused to believe them. How could that happen? She asked herself.

She heard a can opening and turned to her left.

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