10-Break my soul in two, looking for you

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Liz couldn't believe what she heard. Not even in her wildest dreams would she had imagined that.

"You're telling me that, you are my...mom, and the King Cannibal is my...dad" she said trying to digest the information.

"Yes, and you have 6 older siblings" Rhea was very close to her and was grabbing her hand.

Now that she had her daughter, she was never going to lose her again.

"And I'm a...goddess?!" She asked loud with disbelief. Rhea nodded and Liz stood up. She paced through the room while fanning her face "Oh my god... am I allowed to say that? Can I use that expression now, or do I have to say 'Oh my Titans'?"

Rhea laughed and grabbed her arms.

"You can use any expression you want. Come, sit darling" she guided Liz to the bed and sat down on the edge with her arm around her daughter's shoulders. She kissed her forehead and brush her arm "I know this is a lot to take in, do not worry, you have all the time in the world. Take your time, meditate about what you want to do an-"

"What I want to do?" Liz repeated confused "what does that mean?"

"You are a Goddess, my love. You have to find out what you are Goddess of, and take the responsibilities that come with it" she explained putting a strand of Liz's hair behind her ear "You also have to chose where do you want to live. You could stay at Camp, or live here with me, or even have your own Palace"


"Yes, my dear" she laughed softly "You are one of The Big Four, after all"

"Huh?" Liz couldn't even formulate words at that comment.

"The Big Three are the most powerful because they are the youngest. My children were born one more powerful than the previous one, the first one being the least powerful and the last one the most powerful. And you, my dear, are the seventh child. The most powerful. Now, like you were asleep, they were The Big Three, now they are The Big Four"

"Em, speaking of them, could you maybe, um, not tell anyone about this, yet?" She asked Rhea "It's just, I'm not, em-"

"I will tell them when you are ready, okay?" Rhea interrupted her with a little smile.

"Thank you" she said with her face red of embarrassment " If I'm the most powerful, what are my powers?"

"I do not know, but I do know something. Just before you were born, I prayed to The Fates and Chaos for a child powerful enough to protect the world from my evil husband, for someone with a heart so big that will always fight for what is right" Rhea placed a hand on her daughter's cheek and they locked eyes "You need to go to your island, where I did the prayer and gave birth to you. I think you will find your answers there"

"I-I'm going...on a quest?" Her eyes lit up with happiness.

"Yes, my dear" Rhea smiled proudly "But you will have to do this on your own"

Liz took a deep-shaky breath and nodded.

"When do I have to leave?"

"Whenever you want. I advice you to leave as soon as possible but, it does not make a difference"

Liz walked to a chair where her clothes were and remembered something. She turned around to face Rhea, who was looking at her from the bed.

"Every night, father visits me in my dreams" she confessed to her and the mood in the room turned serious "He always tries to recruit me to his side, saying that I couldn't deny"

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