14-All that You've Ever Wanted From Me Was Sweet Nothing

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After the New Throne appeared, and the meeting ended, Poseidon went back to the place he had left Elizabeth, but he didn't find her.

He tried to feel her boat in the water but he couldn't, he eventually gave up and figured that she needed to finish the quest on her own, but he was a little worried about her. He had some dolphins looking for her in the area where he left her, but they never saw her.

He never really associated her disappearance with the Throne, but now? Everything made sense to him.

When a throne appears, it because the God or Goddess has finished their quest and found out what they're God/Goddess of. Poseidon didn't think it was a coincidence that Elizabeth, an unclaimed demigod with black hair and green eyes who survived imposible things, was on a quest in the middle of the ocean alone. And the day after he left her, a new throne appeared.

She was the Seventh Sibling, he didn't doubt it. But, he didn't say anything to his siblings. He thought that she wouldn't want him to.
An old conversion they had came to his mind; "They don't like me, and some even hate me" "That's not true. How could anyone not like you?" "Well, it's true" "Then go and solve the problems, or you don't like them?""I like most of them, and I believe in second chances. But, it's up to them". Did she really thought that? Did she think that Poseidon doesn't like her? He felt terrible that his possible sister thought that of him, especially since it's Liz. He felt so sorry and guilty that the girl who never had a family, believe they hated her and wanted nothing to do with her. He felt an urge to find her and tell her that he will gladly be her brother, even if the others didn't want to.

Hera told the recent events to Demeter and Zeus told Hestia through an Iris Message.

They organized a sibling meeting the next Friday to discuss the New Prophecy and to find their sister. Exactly in four days.

"Alright, I will be there" Hestia promised Zeus and ended the Iris Message "Well, they know"

"This can't be happening" Thea mumbled with her fists in her mouth. Hades, who was next to her, placed a hand on her left leg.

Hestia, Thea and Hades were sitting in the living room of the Secret Passage, and they heard everything Zeus told their sister.

Hestia stood up and sat down next to her, brushing her black dress against Thea's leg. She placed her hand on her shoulder and looked at her.

"Something like this happens, and they still don't tell me" Hades grumbled staring at the floor, then turned to look at Thea "What do you want us to do Little Sister?"

"You have to go" she said to Hestia, staring at the floor in front of her "If you don't, they might suspect something"

"And what about the Prophecy?" Hestia asked her softly, rubbing her back "It says that you need to take your Throne"

Thea swallowed and kept her eyes on the floor.

"I-I" she started saying but her voice shook "I need to think about it"

Hades and Hestia shared a look and looked back to their sister. They knew she had a lot of pressure at the moment, with their siblings knowing of her existence, not being able to use her powers, being part of a prophecy, having to seat in a throne she hated for her entire life, being far away from her home and friends, deal with her 'sleeping condition' and her dreams with their father outside of the island. They worried it might be too much for her to care.

"Okay" Hestia nodded smiling at her "We'll leave you to it"

Hestia stood up, kissed his brother's cheek and left the room to go for a walk. Hades leaned to the front to be next to Thea.

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