1-You Were My Town, Now I'm In Exile Seeing You Out

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In a month, everyone will arrive to enjoy summer at Camp Half-Blood, and Liz was still there.

In the past few weeks, she's been having a feeling that something was wrong. She didn't know why, but something was different. She could feel it in the air.

She was in Arts & Crafts painting a vase with some campers from Cabin 7 and 9. She stopped, tired of painting, and looked around. She stared at Thalia's Pine. In two weeks, Annabeth, Silena and Katie will come back. She couldn't wait to see her friends.

When she was looking, a leaf from Thalia's Pine feel to the ground and Liz frowned.

She stood up, making her vase fall and crash to the ground.

"Someone call Chiron, now!" She yelled while she ran to Thalia's Pine.

She climbed up the hill and reached the roots of the tree. From up close, you could see the difference. The leafs were gray, the branches were more skinny and even the trunk had gray lines. It was sick.

She kneeled down and tried to touch a leaf on the ground but turned to dust.

She heard hooves approaching and turned to see Chiron. He had a bow on his back, so she assumed she was in an archery lesson.

"Something is wrong" she explained to him "I think it's sick, I don't know how"

Chiron walked around the tree inspecting it and shot a worried look to Liz.

"I believe you're right, and I fear it's much worse. The tree is dying"

Chiron went to the Big House to tell Dionysus about it. He ordered Michael Yew, who was the one in charge of his cabin until Lee arrives at camp, to try to heal the tree with what they had in the infirmary.

Liz went to the forges to find Beckendorf and inform him of what happened. He grabbed her arm and led her outside, they walked a little far so no one would hear them.

"You have to leave" he said seriously

"What?! No! I can't leave now"

"Yes, you do! What if your powers can heal the tree?" He argued looking around nervously.

In the last week a lot of campers arrived, so they had to be careful of where they spoke. They even had to move the boat to the Eastern Hills and covered it so no one would see it.

"Charlie I don't know where my Island is, it could be anywhere. We don't know for sure if it moves with Olympus" she explained trying not to be loud "The quest could take a year!"

"But what if it's the only thing that could save it? If the tree dies, the barrier will break and Camp Half-Blood will be in danger"

"I'm sure there's another way. Annie will arrive next week, she'll find a way to solve this. I know she will" she reasoned and grabbed his arm "We just found out about this. Relax, Chiron and Dionysus will solve this"


"We can't solve this" Chiron said looking at Liz.

"What?!" She screamed angry.

Chiron, Dionysus, Argus, Michael and Liz were in Chiron's office, three days have passed since they found out about the tree.

"We tried everything Liz" Michael said in a soft voice, he was embarrassed of failing "We can't cure it, a powerful poison was used, and we don't know the cure to it"

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