8-And I Can Picture It After All This Days

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Please don't be ghost readers and make some comments  :)

November 13, 2002

Liz was laughing with Katie and Silena at a joke Lee said. They were in the bonfire of the Amphitheater eating marshmallows.

"Ah Liz, I forgot to ask you" Lee said looking at her "Would you mind giving my class tomorrow?"

"Why can't you do it?"

"I don't want to"

Everyone burst out laughing and complaining to Lee.

"Fine, but next time, I'm telling Chiron" she said "Excuse me"

She stood up and went to grab another marshmallow. She waited in line and Luke walked up to her.

"Hey Liz" he smiled at her.

"Hey Luke" she said smiling back "How are you doing?"

"Good, enjoying the bonfire" he replied looking around "Hey, one question, do you know where my sunglasses are? I lost them today and I'm afraid that someone from our cabin stole them"

"No, I'm sorry"

"Okay, doesn't matter" he grabbed her hands and slipped something in them "Thanks tough"

He walked away and Liz hide the paper in her pocket so no one would see it.

She arrived at the front of the line and grabbed another marshmallow. She started walking back to the group but stopped to read the paper, now that she didn't have people around her.

'Meet me here at midnight'

When everyone was asleep, Luke and Liz walked out of the cabin and went to the Amphitheater in silence. Liz tried to ask him what's this was about, but he shushed her.

When they arrived there was still a little fire that shined in the dark. Luke looked around to make sure no one was there.

"Luke, what's wrong?" She asked worried for her friend.

"Nothing is wrong" he replied and turned to her "I'm here to make you an offer"

"An offer?"

"Liz, you hate the Gods more than I do. You know better than anyone that they should pay for everything that they did to us" he started saying.

"Yeah, I do. I don't understand" she frowned confused. Luke was acting weird.

"I found a way to do it" he admitted "I have a plan to overthrow them, and I want you in it"

"What? Hold on"

"Liz, I'm here to recruit you" he said and grabbed her shoulders "In the last five months, someone has visited me in my dreams, someone more powerful than the Gods. He is going to overthrow them and make them pay for what they did to them, and he wants us to join him"

"Who visited you in your dreams?" She asked and he swallowed nervously.

"I joined him as well as other demigods who want revenge for what they went through. There's a plan to destroy the Gods and end their reign, a good plan" he explained "And he wants you to be his second in command"

"What? Why me? And who is he?"

"You're the one that hates them the most and if you join us the rest of camp will as well! Without counting that you're the best fighter here"

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