15-It's Been A Long Time Coming But...

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Hestia and Hades were climbing the stairs to Zeus Palace, where the meeting was going to take place. Hestia invited Hades to the meeting, given that he should be present and it would be good to have his help, if things got difficult.

They weren't surprised when they heard that the meeting wasn't going to be in the Throne room, they knew Zeus didn't want anyone to know about the prophecy and the 'lost sibling' until he knew everything about it.

"Remember the plan?" Hades whispered to Hestia once they reached the main door.

"Yes" she whispered back.

They had made a plan for the meeting to assure Thea's safety. If Hestia and Hades were sure none of their siblings would hurt her, Hestia would teleport to Vaoç and come back with Thea. And, if some siblings (Zeus) try to hurt her or kill her, Hestia and Hades would cause a distraction so Thea can escape.

They stepped inside the dark-blue palace and were met by some maidens.

"Good afternoon" Hestia greeted them with a smile, but the maidens didn't seem to notice her for they were staring in horror at Hades.

Zeus had ordered them to lead his siblings to the meeting room, but he didn't mention that Hades was one of them, and they assumed that he wouldn't come. The King of the Underworld wasn't allowed to be in Olympus, except for the Winter Solstice, and he rarely left his dark kingdom.

"Are you going to take us to the meeting or are you going to stand there doing nothing?" He asked them with a threatening tone, giving them one of his terrifying stares.

The maidens shook with fear and nodded several times. They started walking to the meeting room and were followed by the siblings.

"You didn't have to be rude" Hestia complained to her brother in a low voice.

"Did you not look at them, sister? They were standing with their eyes wide open and doing absolutely nothing" he growled looking around the big Palace "My servants do a better job than them, and they're dead"

Hestia sighed at his brother's words and glanced at the maidens, to see if they could hear them.

"You're not taking her to the Underworld"

"I thought we already discussed that" he leaned closer to her so no one else could hear.

"That is no place for her to be, she's a kid" she replied glancing at the maidens backs "She will be terrified of the things there"

"I can't picture her being terrified of anything" he mumbled with a hint of pride in his eyes. He admitted, his little sister was small, but she was fearsome.

"It's still not a good place for her to be, without counting that is far too close to Tartarus. And we both know who is there"

Hades took a deep breath and considered it. It had never crossed his mind that it could be dangerous for his little sister to be close to Tartarus, where their father who visited her in dreams rested.

He only thought of the protection that he could give her if she lived in his Palace, where he could keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe. But, maybe the only safe place for her to be, was Vaoç, where she is far from their father's reach.

"I'll think about it"

The maidens walked down a pair of stairs and stopped in front of the first set of doors and opened them. Hestia and Hades walked through them side by side and received surprised looks from their siblings.

The room had high ceilings, huge windows where you could see a cloudy day, a round table with twelve chairs and a little table to the side with alcoholic drinks.

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