2-They Think She did It But They Just Can't Prove It

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Dionysus was holding a Diet Coke in his hands and looked at her, or she thought he was, she couldn't tell with the glasses.

"Beautiful day, right Lizzie?" He asked her and took a sip of his drink.

"Yes, beautiful" she replied and walked to the round table where he was "Like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before"

She sat down to his left and looked to the lake. Dionysus put his hand in the air and a can of Coke Zero appeared. He offered it to her and they both drank from their drinks.

"Tell me Dyno, how's your father?" She glanced at him and he lowered his sunglasses so she could see his annoying stare.

"Very happy, yes, yes. He told me in the dinner that we have every Tuesday night" he replied sarcastically.

She didn't like the Gods, but she made an exception for Dionysus. He, as the demigods, was in a no-talking relationship with his father, given that he sent him there as a punishment. He also was the one who found her at the barrier of Camp.

"Did you heard anything from Olympus?" She asked curious. He frowned at the table and turned to face her.

"No, why do you ask?"

"Mm, for nothing" she shrugged and took a sip at her drink.

"Lizziee" he said extending the E in her name.

"Rumors" she simply explained.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yes, the girls from Ten talk" she said looking at his purple eyes. She whispered in a low voice, so no one else could hear "Is it true?"

He closed his mouth and looked at her green eyes seriously. He gritted his teeth and subtly nodded his head, the movement was so slightly that she almost didn't see it. She clenched her jaw and looked in front of her, to the lake.

"How did they know?" He asked confused

"It's camp, Dyno" she replied "Rumors fly faster than leaves"

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" he murmured. A silence settled as Liz took everything in.

"Imposible" she murmured.

"Apparently, it's not" he replied with the same tone.

They were a few minutes like that until Dionysus shook his head and drank from his can again.

"Well, how was your morning?" He asked her to break the silence.

"Same, archery, sword and shield, Clarisse bragging about how this time she will finally beat me at Capture the Flag" she explained the main events of her morning. Dionysus snorted and smiled amused.

"Really? You know, that would mean something if she didn't say that every time you play and she loses, again" he laughed and Liz joined him.

"Right?" She exclaimed. She stopped believing her years ago.

"I don't think this time will be any different, you can't beat the champion" he added and they clinked their cans as a toast.

Chiron appeared through the doors and made his way to the table.

"Hi, Liz" he greeted her with a smile.

"Hey Chiron, good to have you back. How was your mission?" She said smiling. She missed the centaur, he had left 6 months ago and she hadn't heard a thing from him.

"Ah, you know, as good as it can be" he explained and looked away. She didn't know a lot about how the missions are, but she knew enough. Young demigods who are living a life outside camp and being chased by monsters, then a satyr finds them and bring them here, where they are safe. "If we are lucky, he will join us one of these days"

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