11-I'm Doing Better Than I Ever Was

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Liz put one foot on the Hermes Cabin and was ambushed by the Stoll Brothers. They hugged her at the same time and left her no air to breathe.

"Guys, my lungs" she said and they let her go.

"How dare you leave like that?!" Travis said exaggerated and placed his hands on his chest  "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Yeah, I heard" she laughed and went to her bed "I'm sorry I left like that. I had do something"

"What?" Connor asked her leaning on the bed post.

"Annie asked me to go to Olympus to give them more time. The Gods decided to give them 5 more days"

"Soo, we won't go to war?" Travis asked concerned.

"No, Trav"

"Great" he walked to the cabin's door " I'll go tell Clarisse, she's gonna be so angry! Oh, hi Sil! Beautiful as always. Katie"

"Travis" Katie's voice came from the door.

"Bye Trav! Try not to get beaten up!" Silena waved at him.

The pair walked to Liz's bed and took turns hugging her.

"You had us scared, Liz!" Silena spoke for both of them.

"Are you hurt?" Katie asked inspecting her "I can get Lee to come"

"I'm fine, Katy, thank you" she smiled at her and looked at her friends "Is it true that you had to do search groups?"

"Oh yeah! We've been looking for you!" Silena replied and the others nodded " We wanted to keep looking, but Chiron sent us to our cabins. I couldn't sleep at all, though"

"Yeah me neither"

"Same. With Trav we started discussing reasons you may have left" Connor said

"I didn't think she left! I thought she was kidnapped or something like that!" Silena said looking at Connor

"Come on Sil! She's the best fighter at camp! She couldn't have been kidnapped" Katie disagreed and threw herself on Liz's bed.

"Well, I couldn't think of a reason for her to leave! I mean, she had never left camp before so, where would she go?" Silena sat on the bed next to them.

"Where did you go?" Katie asked looking at Liz who was checking none of her stuff was missing.

A habit she got for living in Hermes Cabin.

"Olympus. Annie's request. Ask them for more time" she sum up, getting tired of answering.

"Wow, and did you?" Silena asked.

"Oh yeah" Connor answered for her "The gods gave them 5 more days"

"Poor Clarisse" Silena said looking at the floor.

"Hey, how's Will?" Liz asked remembering what had happened before she left.

"Oh he's better. A little weak, but better" Katie answered.


"Oh my god! Did you heard the rumor" Silena asked them and covered her mouth excited.

"Which one?" Connor asked.

"Rumor has it, Clarisse is seeing Chris Rodriguez!" She whispered and covered her mouth.

"Shut up!" Liz turned around and stared at her with her mouth opened.

"You're kidding" Katie said shocked.

"Yeah I know" Connor said and everyone turned to see him.

"What?!" They asked at the same time.

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