⟣Chapter 1

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In the dark, on the vast pile of rubble, the wind blew and lifted the dust from the ground.
“Cough cough cough…” Xiào Mu coughed non-stop, looking up at the boundless black, looking despair.

Where the hell is this? Why the road seems to never come to an end? Had it not been for the deep feeling of exhaustion, he would have almost suspected that he was dreaming. Walking further, he was really tired and can’t keep standing. His feet softened and he tripped by a stone, fell facedown to the ground. A strong sense of dizziness filled his mind, he closed his eyes. Not sure how long it has been, there is a sound from the top of the head and that sound is getting nearer and nearer. His eyelids moved, and Xiào Mu mustered all his strength trying to turn over. Finally facing the sky, he took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

A white dot was getting closer and brighter, and he could see clearly that it was the light on the plane. Although, he had never seen such an aircraft – all black, oval-shaped, like an alien aircraft in a movie. The ‘plane’ came closer and closer, eventually hovering not far away, and two men in dark green uniforms jumped down and ran towards him. The familiar color made him feel at peace, heaved his last breath, and fainted.

“My God, he’s so petite. Could it be he’s a guide? The tall man was shocked.

“He is just an ordinary person.” The short man crouched down to check his breath.

When the tall man heard it, he bent over and carried Xiào Mu on his shoulders like a gunny sack, “Scared me to death, I thought he is a guide. Since he is an ordinary person, we can just throw him to the hospital.”

When Xiào Mu opened his eyes again, the sky was shining brightly, and he squinted subconsciously before he got used to it. It was a white-dominated room, it was supposed to be a hospital. He came to this conclusion after looking around. At this moment, the door was pushed open, a man at the height of at least 1.85 meters, wearing a white coat came in.

The man saw that he is awake, and said, “Get up now. You are not a weak guide, still lying down?”

Xiào Mu doesn’t understand what he means by ‘guide’, but he still understands the word weak. A little embarrassed, he sits up, “I’m sorry…”

The doctor put his hand up to stop his words, “Tsk, stop dilly-dallying.”

That stunned Xiào Mu. In the hospital he worked in, he never such a bad attitude of the doctor. Is he not afraid of being complained about by patients?

“You’ve got a brain injury. Now I’ll ask questions, you answer. Name?”

“Xiào Mu.”



The doctor glanced at him, “Where are you from?”

“A Province, B City.”

The doctor pitifully looked at him, “Amnesia plus delusional. Dude, I really sympathize with you. I must say, don’t randomly join the pro-retro group even if you have free time. Is your brain is not clear/rational?”

Xiào Mu has a stunned expression on his face. Is it okay to be so sloppy with the QA? He has no amnesia and not delusional! What is the pro-retro thing he talked about?

“Doctor, are you mistaken? I didn’t…”

The doctor raised his hand again to stop his words, very straightforward and confident.

“We did a genetic test for you, oh, we didn’t spy on your privacy, but you don’t have a personal terminal1. We can’t determine your identity, so we want to check your identity through gene matching. Unfortunately, no result.”

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