⟣Chapter 11

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Xiào Mu was taken aback and hurriedly ran over. He sat down by the window farthest from Leo, and thanked him with a smile, “Thank you.” With a flying car, he can go to his destination much faster without getting tired.

Leo waved his hand casually, “It’s along the way, I’m going to the guest house.”

Xiào Mu still remembers that Leo brought a person of the same rank as him to the guest house. He guessed that Leo had a business matter to discuss and consciously said, “I’ll go down to the guest house too.” The remaining journey to the flight station is less than 2 km, which is not far.

Leo glanced at Xiào Mu; quite sensible.

“Which district did you wander in before this?” Leo asked suddenly after being quiet for a while.

Xiào Mu looked at Leo innocently, “I don’t remember. The doctor said that I was found in Zone F, so it should be in Zone F ba.”

Leo sneered, “Zone F? Can you even survive a day there?” He narrowed his eyes. “I investigated you and found no clue. You simply appeared in Zone F out of thin air.” He tapped his finger on the armrest of the seat, “Or, you are not from the Empire. You illegally smuggled into the Empire?”

Being suspected, Xiào Mu sat upright and looked serious, “I don’t remember. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not, I forgot it all.”

Since he came into this world suddenly and has no reasonable identity at all, Xiào Mu could only insist that he had forgotten everything and start a new life again. Leo stared at him, and he openly let Leo stare his fill. He just wanted to live well in the Empire, and he didn’t have any bad intentions.

Finally, Leo looked away and said, “You better say the truth. If I find out that you have any bad ideas, I can pinch you to death with one hand.”

Xiào Mu looked at Leo’s hands subconsciously. His hands were big and his five fingers were slender and strong. Then Xiào Mu touched his pale and tender neck, he doesn’t doubt Leo’s words.

“It’s all the truth, I have no bad ideas.” Xiào Mu said seriously.

“We have arrived,” The driver said.

Xiào Mu glanced outwards. This was the entrance of the guest house. Leo jumped off the aircraft, and he jumped off to follow immediately, “Thank you.”

Leo looked down at Xiào Mu. His skin was particularly white, even dazzling under the sun, Leo thought; like a soft bun. “The meeting here ends at 6.30 pm.” After Leo finished speaking, he turned to enter the guest house.

Hearing that, Xiào Mu blinked and became happy. What Leo meant was that if he gets here at 6.30 pm, he could hitch a ride home? Xiào Mu glanced at the time and trot briskly to the flight station. Soon, he couldn’t continue to run and could only walk slowly. After 25 minutes, Xiào Mu arrived at the flight station. He sighed slightly, if he kept this speed, he could catch up with the free ride in the evening.

The process to register for a new terminal was handled very smoothly, but the part to take samples of his blood and gene which will be kept in national records took some time to process. Xiào Mu didn’t have any money to buy a new terminal. The terminal was given by the Empire, and it was quite functional, similar to a modern computer. Looking at the personal information on the terminal, the corners of Xiào Mu’s mouth curled up. This is the ID that belongs only to him.

After setting up the terminal, Xiào Mu went directly to the hospital. When he arrived at the hospital, it is almost 10.00 am, which means he took only 2 hours of leave. For the remaining 2 hours, he could still get the 50 coins wages. The dispatching room was so busy that the staff didn’t ask too much when he saw him. The staff only urged him to change into his white coat and hurry to work. Xiào Mu put on the walkie-talkie and held the treatment device in his other hand. Then he said while buttoning his shirt, “Xiào Mu is free.”

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