⟣Chapter 37

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⟣•37•⟢ (Part 1)

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Xiào Mu didn’t let Hawke go with them. Hawke’s spiritual filaments have recently increased so he is worried that Hawke might not be able to control himself and risk the exposure of his identity. There were many sentinels in the First Hospital, which is very dangerous. He and Gu Miao took some Zhao family’s bodyguard with them and head to the First Hospital. On the way, Zhao Sheng’s assistant informed them of Yan Chen’s ward number. Yan Chen is in ward 108 at the emergency building, behind the main building. When the two arrived, there is a group of reporters at the door. The reporters were stopped 5 meters away from the door by soldiers in dark green uniforms and were not allowed to get closer.

Gu Miao’s body trembled slightly. He seldom went out, and crowded places make him more nervous. With red eyes, he looked at Xiào Mu worriedly, “How do we get in?”

Xiào Mu placed his hand on Gu Miao’s shoulders to comfort him. Then he led him to the edge of the group where there are few people and said, “If we are stopped, just explain your intentions that we are here to help.”

Gu Miao took a deep breath. Thinking of Zhao Sheng, he calmed down.

“Stop right there!” A dark-skinned soldier stopped them. Then he got stunned by the fact that one of them is a guide. With a much softer voice, the soldier said, “Please step back.”

Gu Miao bit his lip and summoned his courage, “I am a guide. I want to see Yan Chen. If he is not in good condition, I can give him spiritual treatment.”

The soldier looked at Gu Miao in surprise. This is clearly a guide with a partner. Generally speaking, a guide with a partner is more suitable to give spiritual treatment, because their spiritual filaments will not get distracted by other sentinels. However, because of the sentinel’s strong possessiveness trait, almost no sentinel is willing to let their guide partner give other sentinels spiritual treatment.

Being stared at and not given any responses, Gu Miao’s eyes became redder, “Can I?”

The soldier nodded subconsciously. Sentinels had a natural protective desire for the guide. Seeing Gu Miao looked so soft and weak, it seemed like a crime to even speak louder to him. After nodding, the soldier realized his wrong, and quickly added, “Please wait a moment, I’ll go and ask for instructions.”

After a while, a tall sentinel walked out. He is dressed in a dark green military uniform with the major general’s badge on his shoulder. The sentinel looked elegant and handsome, but his bloodshot eyes and unkempt stubble make him looked haggard. The sentinel gave Xiào Mu an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Just as he is thinking about who is this person, the loud commotion from the reporter beside him gave him a headache. When the reporters saw the sentinel, everyone started asking questions, “Major General Yan, what is your brother’s current situation?”

“Major General Yan, did your brother really have an accident caused by Delish Meds Company’s medicine?”

“Major General Yan…”

Yan Shun’s face was cold, and he swept his eyes across the group of reporters. In an instant, the noisy commotion disappeared. “This is a hospital, please keep quiet.” He walked towards Gu Miao and Xiào Mu. When he saw Xiào Mu, a hint of unexpectation flashed in his eyes. Next, his gaze fell on Gu Miao, “Do you know Ah Chen?”

Gu Miao shook his head. At this moment, all reporters are looking at him. Gu Miao’s nervous lips trembled, unable to speak. Xiào Mu patted Gu Miao’s shoulder hurriedly, and asked, “Major General, can we talk in the ward? Staying outside makes him nervous.” Xiào Mu finally remembered who this person is. He saw him around Leo’s side a few times before.

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