⟣Chapter 45

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⟣•45•⟢ (Part 1)

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Xiào Mu couldn’t help but wonder if Hawke made a mistake, “Are you sure your dad is coming to work in Delish? Our company is lacking an employee to receive the guides. The employee is responsible for guide-related matters, such as receiving the guide or organizing information about the sale of medicines by the guide.”

“Your cousin did recommend someone to me, but didn’t say who it was.”

“It’s my dad,” Hawke said. “I’m with my dad right now and he just got a call from my cousin.”

“Er…”, Xiào Mu asked in a low voice, “Does Uncle want to help?” Apart from this, he couldn’t think of why Hawke’s dad wanted to come to Delish to work.

Hawke: “Yes, my dad felt bored staying at home every day. He has always wanted to help since he heard that our plan is progressing. Hence, he had an agreement with my cousin that he needs to tell him if manpower is needed.”

Hawke raised his voice, “If there’s any place you can use my help, don’t be polite and ask me for help!”

Xiào Mu responded with a smile, “Okay.”

After hanging up the call, Xiào Mu entered the online shopping mall, ordered the signboard for Delish Meds Company. Then he walked around on the third floor and bought two sets of sofas. After placing the order, Xiào Mu began to visit the robot market. There are many types of robots, including simple household robots, but also complex housekeepers or assistant robots. The IQ varies greatly, and the price difference is even larger than the IQ. Xiào Mu chose for a long time and finally bought a relatively simple humanoid robot for 2 million coins that can be set with a program and let the robot work according to the program.

After completed the purchases, Xiào Mu sat in the lobby and browsed the forum while waiting for the delivery to arrive. As he is reading through the forum, Xiào Mu received a private message from Xing Chen. Xing Chen told him that he had received the high-grade healing pills. Today, they set off for Bran Forest. At the same time, Xing Chen asked if he had other needs. The team is happy to fulfill the request with medicine as the commission fee. Xiào Mu replied to the message, and sincerely wishing them all the best. At the same time, he expressed that he doesn’t have other needs.

Sitting in the lobby for less than half an hour, all the things Xiào Mu bought before arrived. The guards helped him hang up the signboard and put the sofa in the inner lobby and the office on the inner right. Xiào Mu followed the instructions from the manual to learn how to use the robot. He pressed the switch button on the back shoulder of the robot. Then the LED screen of the robot’s eyes immediately flashed with a faint blue fluorescence, followed by a mechanical sound, “Hello Master, please connect your terminal to me.”

Xiào Mu docked his terminal according to the prompt, and the mechanical sound came again, “Please give me a name, and at the same time enter how you want me to call you.”

The terminal virtual screen displayed the naming interface. Xiào Mu hesitated for a moment and fill in Jinjiang (nickname Xiaojin) and Xiào Mu (as to how to address him) respectively. The reason why Xiào Mu filled in the name Jinjiang is because the moment he saw the robot, he thought of a novel about robots that he had read on the Jinjiang website in his previous life. As for the address, he is really not used to being called Master. It’s enough to hear that from his system.

“Xiào Mu, Jinjiang will serve you wholeheartedly. Please set up the relevant procedures according to what you want me to do.”

Xiào Mu pondered for a long time and referred to the instructions and videos several times before finally setting up the program in Jinjiang working mode: It will automatically say hello when its eyes scanned a facial feature. Then, Jinjiang will introduce the spiritual power measuring device while raising its hand to show the way. The whole process is very simple.

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