⟣Chapter 7

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Xiào Mu was taken aback by the ‘accusation’. His first thought was, is it possible that Greene liked this person before this? He quickly explained, “You misunderstood, I am not Greene, I don’t like you.”

“Coward, why do I care who you are,” Leo looked at Xiào Mu contemptuously and continued, “You don’t even dare to admit that you like me, do you think I’m blind? Your face is so red. If you don’t like me, then why is your face red? There are so many people who like Laozi1, why don’t you dare to admit it?”

Xiào Mu looked dumbfounded. The reason why he blushed was because he wanted to control the spiritual filaments! He felt that his spiritual filaments like this man more than him. Every time they met, the filaments crazily wanted to get closer to him. Of course, this reason cannot be said so he reluctantly blurted out, “You really misunderstood. My face is red because I was running before.” In order to convince the man, he added, “My face tends to turn red after exercise.”

Leo didn’t think he is being narcissistic2, but since the other party didn’t admit it, he couldn’t force him to admit it. He snorted softly and said, “You ran off as soon as you saw me, so why are you looking for me now?”

Xiào Mu looked at the man expectantly and asked, “I want to go to the Imperial First Hospital, are you going in the same direction? Even if it’s not the same direction, can you take me to the public flight station?”

“This is the reason you use to approach me?” Leo disdained and said, “Do you think I would believe that the people living in this apartment don’t have a flying car?”

Xiào Mu’s mouth twitched, and he felt that the other party hadn’t listened at all when he said, “I don’t like you”.

“I don’t know how to fly an aircraft.”

Xiào Mu received the look ‘are you an idiot?’ again. He looked back awkwardly, with an innocent look on his face. He can drive a car alright?!

“Let me think,” Leo thought for a second, and then said, “You are the so-called ‘adult baby’ that person said on the internet? Then it’s the correct decision to go to the hospital. Go and check your brain properly.”

Xiào Mu gritted his teeth and asked, “Has anyone ever said that you have a poisonous tongue?”

Leo glanced at Xiào Mu lightly, “Weak stamina, cowardly, and unable to accept criticism. I just said a few words of truth and that already makes you uncomfortable?” He turned around and walked into the aircraft, “Come up.”

Xiào Mu glared at the man’s back and said, “Thank you, but no need.” He turned around and trot towards the public flight station accordingly to the route he checked on the map before.

As a pediatrician, he has never had a bad temper. But the man’s repeated mockery and contempt really made him angry. What worries him is that whenever his emotions fluctuated, the control of his spiritual filaments will weaken. He is afraid that he will reveal his identity if he stays next to this man again. This man’s ability is very strong, he knows by looking at the red and blue bars above his head. Both of his physical and spiritual power exceeds 9000, which means Level SS. Even if he doesn’t know much about the strength of this level now, he also knows that this man is very strong. Among the people he has met, this man has the highest number for both bars. Xiào Mu is almost certain that as long as this man’s spiritual filament probed him slightly, he would certainly recognize his identity as a guide.

Leo tsk-ed and jumped down from the aircraft quickly. A few seconds later, he hooked the back of Xiào Mu’s collar and dragged him backward.

Xiào Mu was wearing Greene’s shirt3. The moment Leo pulled at his collar, the top button snapped open and fell to the ground. He hurriedly grabbed his neckline but was forced backward, “Let go! Hey, I said let go, don’t you hear me?!”

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