⟣Chapter 3

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Xiào Mu was busy all morning and finally finished his work. The hospital treated the staff well and provided packed lunch. Lunch was eaten in the lounge, and eating with him were two other men who looked around 20 years old. Both of whom were around 185 and taller than him; one with blond hair and the other with black hair. The lunch is still made up of two meat dishes and two vegetarian dishes. After a bite, the sweet and sour taste filled Xiào Mu’s taste buds, and he almost cried with joy. Fortunately, he did not lose his sense of taste!

The blond man ate lunch while watching a movie on his personal terminal, and chatted with the black-haired man, “Work meal is still more delicious. The life-sustaining meals that I’m usually given have no taste at all.”

“At least it can fill your stomach. This hospital is already benevolent. Even if it’s all nutritional-based ingredients, they still deliberately make it look like a delicacy to increase appetite.”

“It’s all because for those sentinels, so the food tastes bland.” The blonde tsk-ed.

The black hair guy turned his head to watch the movie with the other guy, “Wow, what dense spiritual filaments, this guide looks so amazing.”

“Of course, this is a Level A guide!” The blonde was smug.

Xiào Mu’s heart moved, and he slowly moved closer to look at the actor guide. The blonde looked up at him, “You are even more beautiful than this actor.”

Xiào Mu’s mouth twitched. If it is just a face he customized in the game, he would be very happy to hear the praise, but right now he is using this face1. He is a man, what the hell does the blonde guy mean by beautiful? He took a mouthful of food and looked at the screen, only to see two men sitting opposite each other on the screen; one tall and the other petite. Countless transparent filaments sprang from the petite man’s head and entered the tall man’s head. The chaotic spiritual ball of thread in the tall man’s head gradually became loosen, and then he opened his eyes and hugged the petite man.

“If there were such a good guide, the hospital wouldn’t have so many sentinel patients.” The blonde snorted.

“It’s useless even if such guide exists Once a sentinel paired with the guide, they will become each other’s only ones. There are so much lesser guides than sentinel soldiers. Single dogs still have to come to the hospital.” The black hair hehe-ed.

The plot on the screen gradually developed to an ‘adult’ ‘feel’, and sounds that could make one blush and has a rapid heartbeat kept coming out. Xiào Mu glanced at his enthusiastic temporary colleagues and moved aside with a blush.

“Wow, Xiào Mu, you blushed!” The blonde laughed.

The black hair looked at him, “Could it be you are still a vi-rg-in? You want to chat with me tonight?”

“Cough…” Xiào Mu was choked with food and kept coughing. It took a long time to calm down, and his face turned redder, “No, no need.”

The blonde and black hair laughed again at his embarrassed look.

Xiào Mu continued to eat speechlessly, thinking of the movie scene that he had just watched in his mind. The thread that stretched out before in his mind was the same as that of the guide. According to black hair, it seems to be called ‘spiritual filaments’. It seems that there is no problem with his body! However, all signs indicate that he is a guide, so why didn’t Xi Mu realize? Is it because he didn’t have spiritual filaments before? In any case, it is a good thing not to find out because Xi Mu said that all guides are in the Golden Tower. It’s hard for ordinary people to see them, which means that they rarely come out, and he doesn’t want to be kept in one place.

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