⟣Chapter 33

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⟣•33•⟢ (Part 1)

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Leo exhaled lightly, suppressing his urge to destroy his terminal, and closed the page. What kind of messy answers was that?! With a cold face, he returned to the search box and typed ‘signs of sentinel feeling moved’. Many answers popped up in an instant, Leo’s gaze fell to the top of the answer. But his thoughts were still filled with the list of guide’s reactions, and Xiào Mu’s recent actions automatically replayed in his mind. Leo realized in depression that Xiào Mu didn’t seem to have any of these reactions! Though Xiào Mu easily blushed and panicked at first when they met, he(XM) is calmer now. Could it be because they have seen each other too much? Leo humphed dissatisfiedly and clicked on the answer at the top of the search interface. Then he scanned the content with a serious face.

Seeing Leo’s serious expression in the rearview mirror, the driver was shocked. In his heart, he is thinking that something serious had happened to the military.

Signs of a sentinel falling in love:

1. Want to ‘conquer’1 him (the guide),

2. Feel happy when seeing him (the guide),

3. Doesn’t have any self-principle in front of him (the guide),

4. Anyone who bullies him (the guide) can go to die,

5. People who covet him (people) can go to die as well,

6. He is mine,


10. He is mine.

PS: When you start searching about this problem because of someone, then brother, don’t hesitate. Start chasing this person!

Staring at the last sentence, Leo tapped his finger on his leg, and Xiào Mu’s delicate face appeared in his mind. He closed the terminal and gritted his teeth, “It’s not reliable at all!” He hates weak chicken the most, how can his heart moved by… Xiào Mu? The hell, he can’t even imagine associating bad words like ‘weak chicken’ to him(XM)! His brain must be malfunctioning.

The driver’s expression became solemn, and he wondered which unlucky person angered the major general.

In the afternoon, Xiào Mu returned to his bedroom after a major class. He logged into the virtual net and made biscuits, then put them on the vending machine. When he left the virtual net, it was almost dinner time. He struggled internally for a while, before deciding on something and placed an order for a treadmill online. Next, he sent a message to Leo.

“Thank you for the personal training last week. From today on, I won’t go to the gym, Room 333 anymore. I felt sorry for always interrupting your own training. I just bought a treadmill and planned to train in the dormitory in the future.”

After Xiào Mu sent the message, he leaned back on the sofa with a sigh of relief. He will train in his dormitory in the future. The possibility of encountering Leo is greatly reduced, so Leo will not find out that his physical strength is abnormal. In fact, training in the dormitory is also a lot more comfortable. Although fewer people are staying in Building 30, people would still occasionally pass by. Every time they saw him jogging around the area, they would laugh, not to mention that he come across even more people on his way to Room 333 every night. Xiào Mu is guessing that if it hadn’t been for the rumor that his physical strength is too poor, and those people are afraid of accidentally killing him, many of them would have taken action to teach him a lesson by now.

Xiào Mu’s bakery has been in business for more than a week, and the business is very good. No one knows how much his actual profit is but his spending can be covered by the bakery. As long as his spending is not exaggerated, there is no need for him to worry about his source of money being suspected. There is no pressure in buying a treadmill. Xiào Mu stood up and was about to go to the cafeteria to eat when his terminal suddenly vibrated. It was a message from Leo, and a location was included in it: “No need to thank me, I just want to find out the reason for my mistake. As an apology, I treat you to dinner.”

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