Chapter 19

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I had tried about three dresses so far, but I didn't like how they looked on me. Either the color didn't match my skin, or it was too snug around my hips and ass. The mirrors were giving me a bad case of body dysmorphia. And I avoided looking at it if it wasn't to see how the dress looked.

Archer was waiting for me outside and I was starting to get overstimulated, it was too hot in here, the lights were giving me a headache and I wanted to give up on the search for the perfect dress.

I absentmindedly ran my hand across a silk dark red dress. It had a corset on the upper body with a small piece of cloth to fit around the bicep. The silk cloth from the waist to the hips was artfully arranged in a way that it draped down to the floor. There was also a knot of some sort that flared open into a slit from mid thigh. I hadn't remembered seeing this dress before, maybe the woman working here picked it up when she was working here.

My hope was suddenly restored, I just really hoped I could get it on by myself. With a small struggle and a lot of maneuvering that nearly resulted in a dislocated shoulder, it was on. I faced the mirror and my mouth dropped open a little not only did it fit but it made me look good too. It made me feel like a woman for once.

I took a deep breath and pulled my hair tie from my ponytail, and shook my curls out a little. I stuck my head out of the changing room first, suspecting that Archer might have left me for making him wait so long. But he sat in the sofa in the lounge area immersed with a game on his phone.

I popped my head back in and took a deep breath, I was a little nervous. I really hoped he liked it as much as I did. He was buying it after all. I pulled the curtain to the side to show him the dress. He instantly looked up, his game forgotten.

I saw his eyes trail slowly from my face down my body and ending at my feet, taking in every detail of the dress. His Adam apple bobbed when he swallowed.

"I-I don't even know what to say..." he trailed of.

"Well we can start off with if you like it or not?" I chuckled awkwardly wringing my hands together in front of me.

"If I like it?" He asked bemused. "You look absolutely stunning. I don't even think you realize how beautiful you are." He said softly.

My cheeks heated up and I looked away from his cerulean eyes and down at my white socks. "Thank you," I whispered. "I really like it" I added running my hands across the material on my stomach down to my thighs.

Archer gave a small cough, when I looked up his cheekbones were smattered with some color, "I'm glad, because we're definitely getting it, did you like another dress? We can get that one too."

I quickly shook my head. After I went back in and changed into my original outfit, Archer put the dresses we weren't purchasing on the rack outside of the changing rooms. He insisted that I get some shoes and a purse too. After a small argument with him winning. He led me towards the shoe department with one hand on my back and the other one carrying my dress.

I looked around for a shoe with a small heel, I didn't want to fall on my face. After a few moments of browsing Archer said "how about these ones?"

When I looked over he was holding a black pointed kitten heel shoe, on further inspection the material was made of tweed, it was decorated with little black crystal gems artfully spaced across it.

It was perfect, "wow Archer who would've thought you're a secret fashionista?" I laughed, happy that he had found something to perfectly go with my dress.

"I told you how my mother gets her way. That usually entails forcing me to go with her when she's shopping and asking about what matches the most." He shrugged chuckling.

After we picked up my shoe size we luckily also found a clutch purse with the same material as the shoes. Archer started going to the register, the lady helping us from before stood behind it. He placed everything on the counter.

"Is that all?" She asked politely.

"Yes, please." Archer replied.

"The total is £946.88, please insert your card here." She said while packing everything in a bag.

Archer without hesitation tapped his card on the machine as if it was nothing, putting it back in his leather wallet, thanking the lady and taking the bag. He had done all that, all while I stood frozen, I think I had gone into shock. Archer grabbed my hand and guided us out the doors.

I was silent the whole way to the car, just thinking of that number, 946. That was about the same amount as my whole budget for a month, which mostly went towards my rent. And he had just spent it on three items. And on me of all people.

"Hey, are you okay?" Archer asked concerned, it was then that I noticed we were standing outside of the car and he had just placed the bag in the backseat.

"No..." my anxiety over the situation made me want to throw up, it made speaking difficult. I was being wasteful of his money. I shouldn't have chosen that dress.

He tuned towards me a slight frown on his face and grabbed placed his hand on my cheek, "what's wrong baby?"

"Archer it's too much we have to go back." I tugged on his hand on my cheek in urgency, my voice wobbling.

"Layla it's okay. No amount of money I spend on you is too much, okay?"

I continued "No you don't understand, it's t-"

He interrupted me by giving me a stern look, that made me shut up. "Look I know the amount sounded like a lot, but I have the money. And money is not something I ever want you to worry about. I want you to get whatever you want without looking at a price tag. Besides I want to spoil you because I think you deserve it."

I swallowed my emotions, "B-but it's too much, that amount could probably feed a whole family for a few weeks."

Archer rubbed his thumb across my cheek, "Tell you what, during every gala there's always a bunch of charities that you can donate to. Tonight you can pick the charity and I'll donate the same amount as your clothes. Maybe you'll feel better about wearing it. Hmm?" He suggested.

"That literally makes no sense, then you'll just have payed double for something I want." I asked confused.

"Well maybe I want whatever you want, and maybe you'll get to feed a family for a few weeks."

I thought about it for a few moments before nodding and adding a small "okay."

"Yeah?" He grinned his blue eyes twinkling with happiness.

"Yeah." I repeated, "but before we go I want to buy you ice cream and you can't say no." I wanted to repay him in some way even if it was small.

He faked a gasp, "are you asking me on a date, Layla?"

"W-what I.." I at once turned so red it felt like I'd suddenly gotten a fever.

Archer threw his head back and barked out a laugh the pale column of his neck stretched to the sky. The craziest thought of licking it overcame me.

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