Chapter 52

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Archer choked on the food he had been chewing and I patted his back sympathetically, when he recovered he reached for his glass. And I couldn't stop myself from giggling.

"Yeah, yeah laugh at my almost death, what a way to go, by choking on food." I stopped laughing, when he put it that way it wasn't funny, and just the thought of him not being here anymore made a lump form in my stomach.

"Don't say that." I scolded my hand still on his back even after he had recovered.

"Well you better learn the Heimlich maneuver if you plan on springing more surprises at me when where eating."
And then he sighed turning serious, "I wanted to, so many times. I was just scared that it would change things between us." He was gazing at me so intensely to the point where I had to look away.

"Oh" I didn't know what else to say, I thought that it would be perhaps because he didn't like me anymore, that I had been such a bad kisser that he'd decided that we would be better off as friends. But I hadn't expected his confession.

"Come here," he pulled me onto his lap so that I was sitting sideways. "Tell me what you're thinking," he was rubbing my waist, and it instantly made me lean my forehead against his, our noses softly touching.

"Is it my fault?" I asked after a while. "Because I got weird about it?"

"Of course not, don't ever doubt yourself. It's just, I was your first kiss. And I was an idiot that didn't even ask for you permission. I understand why it was unnerving for you. I just want you to feel comfortable." He kissed my temple and my cheek.

When he pulled back his pale strong neck looked so enticing, I couldn't help myself and kissed it.

He cleared his throat abruptly, "eat your food baby." I loved all the pet names he gave me, they made my stomach flutter like the drop on a rollercoaster. He dragged my plate over and I spent the rest of the meal on his lap.

When we went to sofa he placed me on his lap again, I didn't mind because I didn't want to let him go either. "We're getting a Christmas tree tomorrow."

I perked up, "We are?" I hadn't had a tree before or really celebrated any holiday, not even my birthday.

"Yeah but everyone else has probably had theirs up for a month already, I just hope that we get a good one." I was so happy I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him all over his face squealing. "Well someone's caught the Christmas spirit." He chuckled.

"No, I'm just happy." I kissed his cheek again, I was. He made me happy, even after the rough few days we'd had, he still managed to do it somehow.


The next day we purchased a tree which Archer carried on his shoulder like a caveman, I tried to help but he only allowed for me to open the doors and help decorate it. It was fun and it instantly transformed the flat into the likes of a cozy Christmas movie.

After that we baked cookies together and it was surprisingly fun and easy with Archers directions. Now we were eating them and watching a movie, Archer head was in my lap and I was playing with his silky strands of fluffy golden hair.

"I was thinking we should go shopping for presents tomorrow." He said after a while.

"Sure, what does your mom want?" I asked, hoping it would be within my budget.

"She'll like anything you get her." He replied.

"That's so unhelpful I'd be better off searching it up on the internet and purchasing something generic like a 'best mum cup'" I rolled my eyes as he chuckled. "Seriously Archer help me out."

"I am serious she'll like anything you get I'm not joking, when I was 13 I got her a book about botanics because she liked flowers. She read it every night until she finished the whole book and didn't even plant one single thing." He chuckled.

"Well that's because you're her son..." I trailed off.

He turned his body so that I could see his face, "and you're like a daughter to her, trust me." I bit my lip and finally relented nodding. He kissed my belly over his t-shirt I was wearing.

Christmas was in six days and I would be spending it with the Whitlock's. I'd already gotten started on my gift for Archer, now only the rest of his family remained.

When we were in bed that night, and I was laying on his chest. "What do you usually do for Christmas?"
He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know it's usually just a normal day for me."

His demeanor changed, "You haven't celebrated Christmas before?"

"I maybe would've if I'd had any friends or a normal family, but I haven't. Until you."

"What about birthdays? Or New Years then?" He inquired after a while, I just shook my head.

"We'll spend them all together now." He kissed my eyelids, and as soon as he did tears I hadn't realized I'd surfacing were suddenly there.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to get emotional."

"It's okay to cry baby." He wiped my tears away. And settled so that our foreheads were leaning on each other's.

He spent the night holding me tightly to him.

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