Chapter 37

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I thought about what Layla had just told me, I suspected she had avoided talking about the gravity of the situation, if her drawings were of any indication, it was bad.

I couldn't even imagine growing up with a drug addicted mother. The house constantly in turmoil depending on her mood. And that Layla felt she hadn't done enough for her mother was heartbreaking, she was a child, the best thing she could've done was to try to protect herself from the situation as best as she could.

It actually explained a lot about her behavior, she always was elusive and avoidant when we talked about family. But in hindsight I could see the hint of shame that had been written across her face, I didn't understand it then but it explained the look in her eyes. She was ashamed of her circumstances and her mothers addiction.

I suspected even their economic situation. That first day when we met,  I googled the name of her town thinking I would get some insight on her. And the pictures that had shown up were of decrepit buildings, and the economic downfall they had endured. The area was ridden with crime, from drugs to murder to trafficking. The townspeople all in consensus not to partake as a witness to anything they might've seen.

I hadn't said anything because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. But she really shouldn't, she had gotten away maybe not unscathed, but she had. And she had made a life for herself all on her own, she had managed to turn a bad situation into a something good. Her resilience was admirable.

I wanted to ask her more questions but I didn't want to upset her further now that she was already feeling vulnerable. Maybe I could suggest therapy, because anyone living in those conditions would need help processing everything. And at the end of the day I wasn't a professional, I could be there for her of course, which I hoped she would allow me to. But I couldn't offer her the help she truly needed.

She sighed again, I could tell that she was tired. She was still wearing the clothes I had left her in and that indicated that she hadn't done much since I left.

"Why don't you take a nap while I get your food ready?" I suggested hoping she would say yes, she needed to eat.

"Stay, just for a little while, until I fall asleep." She had gone back to clutching my shirt in a death grip like she didn't want to let me go "please?"

"Okay." I agreed placating her, "I'll stay."

"Thank you Archer." I kissed her temple in reply.

After about an hour I heard her soft breaths even out. It had taken her a while to fall asleep. I tried playing softly with her hair, rubbing her back, reciting some poetry. Eventually she fell asleep and I slowly disengaged our she gave a low whine in protest but thankfully didn't wake up, I placed her on the bed and pulled the covers over her.

I opened the front door to find the two bags filled with the raw ingredients I had ordered. I was slightly surprised that no one had taken them.

I placed them on the kitchen counter and when I opened her fridge to it being mostly empty I was happy I had ordered so much. I filled the fridge and left the ingredients I was going to use on the small counter.

I started on the chicken she only had a handful of spices and I used them all, her stove only had two burners. After it was all in her biggest pot I left it to simmer on the stove.

When that was done I cleaned up, and went back to sit beside her until she woke up. She had dark circles under her eyes, her skin had lost its healthy color and in the low light I just noticed a slight scar under her nose wing, it was short and hard to spot, but it was there.

I ran the pad of my thumb over the raised scar, and she stirred in response. Her eyes fluttering open. And when she looked at me my stomach fluttered. Neither of us spoke. We just shared that silent moment taking each other in for what felt like the first time again.

I felt like we had traversed the earth and now we were together again, back where we belonged. My eyes filled with tears. And hers widened, "Archer...What's wrong?" She asked sitting up in a panic.

"Nothing, I'm just glad that you're here, that we met." She placed her warm hand on my cheek and rubbed the slight stubble, her lips lifted at the corner and I felt such relief at seeing that after almost two days a tear slid down my cheek.

"Archer..." she wiped the wetness away, her eyebrows furrowed "I'm glad that we met too, more than you know." Her arms came around my neck in a hug that felt like reassurance that she wasn't going anywhere, my arms came around her waist and I embraced her with everything I had.

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