Chapter 43

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Layla and I woke up quite late, so I made us a quick breakfast, hopped in the shower and drove her home afterwards. When we stopped by her door, I embraced her folding her into my arms and kissing her head.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah," she nodded and kissed my neck which she reached by standing on her toes. My stomach instantly fluttered, I wouldn't say with butterflies because they were too similar to moths. But it definitely fluttered. "Have fun." She added

"I'll call you tonight" she nodded at my words waving before she reached for her door and disappearing behind it

I sighed, maybe I was developing a form of separation anxiety, I think I was just wired in a way that made me want to be around her at all times. During the past few months we had been together every day so for us to be apart now seemed daunting.

As soon as I left her moldy building I felt like the rose colored glasses I wore with her had been removed. Everything seemed to have a grey cast over it now. I made my way to the airport, and waited for Connor by the arrivals.

I saw Connor walking down the isle towards me with a suitcase trailing behind him, a grin spread on my cheeks. We instantly embraced and I patted him on the back a few times. "Is it just me or did you become more attractive?" He joked grasping me by the shoulders at arms length to take me in.

"I couldn't agree more" I laughed and grabbed his suitcase, "let's go, the car is this way."

On the drive home Connor indulged me in what I had missed out on with some of our friends, I was using the term 'friends' loosely. A group of us had essentially grown up together, we had all lived on the same street and attended the same schools so I guess it was inevitable that we had ended up in a group. I didn't particularly care for any of them but Connor liked them so I endured.

They were the typical rich kids that liked to party, most things they did, they couldn't do without alcohol around. I had attended a few parties with them during high school and at some of them I even enjoyed myself to a certain degree. But then going to the same parties with the same people just lost its allure I suppose. Not only that but as we grew older most times someone always brought cocaine, and drugs had never been something that I was interested in.

"Anyways so Brad got offered this radio gig which is pretty cool," Connor was saying. "So, how are the girls on this side of the pond?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I'm sure you'll find out for yourself." Connor was in truth a bit of a slut, to the point where I felt like his dad sometimes, reminding him to wear a condom.

"Ah come on man, don't tell me you haven't even looked at any one since you've arrived." He said disheartened.

"Not really..." I shrugged, only one girl had my interest. "I've told you about Layla haven't I?" I asked.

"Dude, she's practically all you talk about," his voice lowered an octave as he stared out the window. "Laylas so smart, Layla's so this and that." He sighed shaking his head.

"That's because she is." I chuckled.

"Sounds to me like a classic case of being pussywhipped." He rolled his eyes.

I shook my head switching lanes, "it's not even like that, we're just friends."

"Yeah?" He looked over at me. "Well in that case why don't we go out tonight and you can be my wingman?"

"Dude, I'm not going to help you possibly spread your bad genetics." I chuckled. "and besides you literally just landed,"

"Exactly my point, I've been stuck on a plane listening to babies cry for 12 hours. Come on, don't be boring." I rolled my eyes at his dramatic behavior. "Look you can even invite Layla." He relented.

I sighed, "Fine, I'll go if she says yes. But I can tell you for free right now all the clubs are the same everywhere. You drink, you dance, you either go home with someone or you go home alone with a kebab in your pocket." The last thing I wanted was to spend the night without Layla, but even worse would be surrounded by drunk idiots without her. If she came, at least one of my problems would be solved.

When we got home I showed Connor his room, which was the third bedroom that Layla sometimes showered in. I laid down on my bed giving her a ring.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi," just the sound of her voice made me feel instantly relieved, I loved Connor, I really did but his voice was so loud I already felt a headache coming on. "Miss me already?" She laughed.

"Yes, I did." I said serious. "Connor wants to go out tonight,"

"Go out where?" she asked confused.

"To the club." I sighed.

"Oh," she trailed off.

"Do you want to go with me? Please?" I asked crossing my fingers and my toes hoping she would say yes, I wasn't above begging at this point.

She paused for a moment, "Uhm, okay."

It took me a second to realize that she'd agreed, "Really?"

"I mean sure why not, are you sure he's okay with it though?" She was too sweet.

"Yeah, he even suggested it." I sighed out in relief, "We'll come pick you up at 11pm, okay?"

She gasped out a "That late?"

"I know darling, that's unfortunately why they call it the nightlife." I chuckled.

She giggled, "yeah I guess you're right, okay I'll see you then" and then she hung up.

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