Chapter 39

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Today was Saturday and after the heavy past days, Layla suggested we go to the art museum and I couldn't say no to her, she deserved to have some fun and experience something new.

We spent the whole afternoon there, looking at the sculptures and the paintings, they had a section where they put out miniature versions of food so you could grab them and eat while you browsed the collection of pieces.

Layla told me more about some of the pieces, her knowledge about art vast. When we were in the car again, it was getting dark.

"Can we go to cave again?" She asked, today was little colder than the first time we had been but I would gladly freeze in the cold water if that was what she wanted.

"Sure, whatever you want." We went to my place to pick up some clothes and towels.

When we arrived it was pitch black out, but at least the stalactites would blink like a thousand stars again. We got out of the car and I held the bag with our stuff inside in one hand and my other held Laylas hand.

I led her towards the hidden entrance much like I had the first time, now however she was almost skipping with excitement.

When we reached the tunnel I turned on the flashlight so we wouldn't trip on any rubble on the ground. And when the tunnel widened into the cave entrance she had a wide magnificent smile on her face.

"Nothing will ever compare to this." She said.

"No, I don't think it will." I said taking her in, like it was the first time.

"Come on then, what are you waiting for." She dragged me along to the pool and dipped her hand in the water to check the temperature, "I think it's a little too cold to get in." She said a little crestfallen.

I shrugged, " if you don't want to get in we still have the stars." I said pulling out a blanket for us to lay on. "Come here" I said with my arm outstretched in invitation.

She laughed laying down next to me her head on my chest both of us gazing up.

"I think you're my favorite person in the world." She whispered after a while.

I had to swallow the emotions in my throat, "and you're mine Layla, no wor-" I chocked a little, and had to start again. "No words in any language can explain how glad I am for all the moments I've spent with you. When I first moved here I was convinced it would be harder to make friends. But the first day I saw you something in me knew you would be apart of my life from here on out."

"Archer," she looked up at my face her perfect eyes filling with emotion, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss her.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked softly.

She paused and then nodded her eyes darting from my eyes to my lips. I leaned down slowly seeing if she would back away but she didn't, instead she stretched her neck to get closer to me. We shared a few small breaths our noses touching each other softly.

I leaned in further, and when her lips touched mine I swore I felt the planets rearranging and the moon shift, but nothing mattered except for the feel of her lips against mine.

I moved slowly wanting to take my time, my hand holding her cheek, my fingers buried in her hair. Our lips locked in a dance not even the will of breathing could disrupt. I would gladly give up my need to breathe to feel her lips against mine for a second longer.

After a while we broke apart our eyes fluttered open like we both had just woken from eternal sleep, "Layla," I trailed off softly. "Please tell me I didn't imagined this feeling between us..."

"You didn't," she replied softly, her fingers now running over her lips. "I... I thought it was only me."

"Never, from the moment I s-" I took a calming breath, my heart beating erratically in my chest, "from the moment I saw you I felt it. But I didn't want to scare you away."

"You can never scare me away." She shook her head with a sweet smile her hand rising to trail my lips, and I took the opportunity to kiss her fingertips.

"Good." I replied relieved.

"What does it mean?" She asked softly.

"What does what mean?" I replied.

"T-that we both feel it?" She stuttered uncertain.

"I don't know, maybe it means that it's meant to be or maybe we knew each other in another life. All I know is that I won't question it, because you're the best thing that's happened to me." I answered my voice dripping in sincerity.

The lips I had the pleasure of kissing parted in a wide grin that made her eyes smaller. I kissed her nose and both of her cheeks, her eyelids her forehead and lastly I kissed her lips again, all while she let out that melodic laughter that I tucked away deep in my heart.

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