Chapter 28

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the hair tickling my face, I tried to blow through my nose to get it off me and that's when the rest of my body caught up with the fact that I was holding something warm and soft against me.

I opened my eyes and looked down to see Layla sleeping, her long lashes fluttering softly against the top of her cheeks. Her small breaths hitting my neck and her hair strewn across the bed and us. We both lay on our sides, much as we had last night, my arms holding her closely to me, our legs entangled. One of her arms thrown across my side and hanging down my back.

We had fallen asleep with a big gap between us and somewhere during the night we had gravitated towards each other seeking the other out. I brushed some of Layla's hair off her face and kissed her temple and she gave a soft sigh in return, I wanted to lay here with her for all of eternity just watching her to my hearts content. But I had to get up and see if Kimberly was still here or if my mom had come to take her to school.

I disentangle myself from her warm body and rose from bed and she quickly moved to sprawl across to the space I had previously occupied, her face buried in my pillow. I checked Kimberly's room before checking my phone.

I found two texts from my mom of her telling me she had picked Kimberly up, and a photo attached of me and Layla sleeping in the same position as I had woken up in, I chuckled before replying to her.

Then I went for a quick shower and got started on breakfast I wanted to do something nice for Layla and breakfast in bed sounded good. I whipped up some pancakes and fruits, a breakfast bagel with some eggs and some peppermint tea to drink. When I had placed everything on a tray I carried it over to the living room, placing it on the couch.

I stroked her cheek waiting until she started to stir, "Layla wake up"  her eyes opened slowly and when she saw me she instantly rubbed her face sitting up.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"Almost 10:30 am." I replied bringing the food closer, "here, eat something." I urged.

"You've been busy." She said with a sleepy smile. I wanted to capture a picture of that smile and store it somewhere safe.

"You sleep like a rock, I'm surprised you didn't wake from all the ruckus I was making in the kitchen." I chuckled piling on a little bit of everything on her plate.

"I usually wake up from the smallest sounds." She replied looking a bit confused when I handed her the plate she thanked me.

We ate in comfortable silence, I suspected she wasn't a morning talker she barely touched her food before picking up her tea.

"You're not hungry?" I asked.

"I don't feel so well, but it was really good I'll finish it later." She placed her warm cup on her lower belly.

Now that I looked closely at her face she looked like she had lost some color "I have to go to the bathroom." She got up and hurried upstairs.

Maybe I should call a doctor? There was clearly something going on. I put the left over food away and quickly did the dishes. By the time I was done, Layla was descending the stairs.

"Hey, do you feel better? Should I call a doctor?" I walked over to her.

"No it's fine," her eyes darting between everything in the room but my face, her cheeks red, "C-can you do me a favor?" I don't know why she seemed so nervous asking for a favor, didn't she know I would do anything for her?

I took her wrist and placed a kiss on her open palm, "Of course, what do you need?" her pretty eyes were now looking at my chest her eyebrows furrowed.

"Can you go to the store and get some," she swallowed hard, her voice lowering an octave, "pads, and ibuprofen." Her smooth golden brown cheeks instantly darkened even further in color.

"Oh, I thought you were going to ask if I could help you hide a body." It was such a dad joke but she finally gave me her eyes and there was a hint of relief in them, " is there a specific brand you like?"

"Just any overnight will do," she said extracting her wrist from my hand which I just now realized I had been rubbing soothingly, " I'm sorry." She added.

"Don't worry about it I'll be back in 15, you can have shower in the meantime if you want." I grabbed my keys and headed for the elevator.

"Archer, thank you, I really appreciate it." She said before going back upstairs.

On my way to the store I googled what else she might need. If she was in pain which she clearly was hence the medicine, I wanted her to be as comfortable as she could be.

I'd bought some pads of different sizes and brands, some ibuprofen and a medicine that's fights nausea, a heating pad, some chocolates and other snacks, and some more peppermint tea.

When I got home she was still in the shower so I placed all the pads on top of the bed. And went back downstairs to disassemble the couch and prepare the heating pad for her.

I opened the terrace door to allow some fresh air inside. When Layla finally came back down, her hair wet. A silence permeated the air, she didn't say anything just taking me in and I did the same to her.

"Archer," she started and me being weak to her saying my name, immediately started approaching her. "Thank you."

When I got closer I realized her eyes where filled with tears, "Hey, what's wrong?" I pulled her closer to me by her hands in a embrace tucking her face in my neck.

"Nothing, I'm just emotional and I-I just, I appreciate everything you've done for me. I don't know how I'll ever repay you." She sniffled.

"I would do anything for you, always." I sighed lowly, if only she knew how serious I was, "and you don't have to repay me, I'm not asking for anything but your company." I kissed her forehead.

"Do you want to lay down?" I asked, that's what the site had recommended when I had googled.

She nodded, "I want to go upstairs" I took her hand leading her to my room, I pressed the button that lowered the curtains so she could take a nap if she wanted. When I returned she was laying under the covers.

I decided to give her some space, so I started for the door, "stay please?" She asked.

My heart skipped a beat, I wanted nothing more than to hold her "I'll be back, give me a second."

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