Chapter 3: Indisputable Edict

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Sarutobi visits Naruto and tells him of his future career as a shinobi. Naruto is displeased. He has a terrifying dream.

Sarutobi Hiruzen - the Sandaime Hokage- made his way through the lively streets of the village. It was the first celebratory day marking the beginning of the New Year.

The snow fell ceremoniously over Konoha. The streets were lit up with joyous occasions and people gathered to welcome the Shōgatsu festivities. Vendors and clan matriarchs handed out traditional osechi ryori tiered boxes. 

Children stuffed their faces with mochi and ran around with firecrackers, laughing and chasing after their friends. Shinobi and civilians lined up to eat soba noodles and wish each other well. The people gathered to let go of the hardships of the previous year and welcomed the New Year with optimism.

Families dressed in matching kimonos. The woman styled their hair in high knots, their hair adorned with colourful hair ornaments. Families made their way to the shrines to pray for a good and prosperous year.

Uzumaki Naruto was not present in the festivities. The presence of the child soured the good mood of the crowds and the villagers demanded he leave the premises each year. The Sandaime was disheartened by the behaviour of the general populace but he understood their anger and misplaced grief.

Naruto reminded them of their losses. They had to relive their grief and each time they saw him, they were reminded of the lives they lost because of the Kyuubi attack. 

The Hokage made his way to the cold orphanage to deliver the good news to the last living Uzumaki. He walked through the doors and made his way up the creaky stairs to the child who was holed up in his barren room, spending his time alone, away from the joyous festivities.

He hadn't visited Naruto in five months. He had been busy with council meetings and war reparations that continued on five years after the war. It didn't help that there had been growing tensions within the Uchiha Clan and the council had unanimously agreed to relocate them to the edge of the village. He also held meetings with Sunakagure, hoping to build a strong and indissoluble alliance that would remain strong.

Rasa - the Yondaime Kazekage - seemed like a very promising Kage and he had high hopes for their upcoming alliance. He was also dealing with the aftermath of the Kumokagure incident. He continued to hold meetings with Kumo delegates to maintain the ceasefire between both villages. The Sandaime had a lot of issues to address, meetings to hold, missions to assign as the Kage of Konohakagure.

He did not have the time to spare for the young boy.

Hiruzen knocked on the door and waited but there was no response. Naruto  was a very quiet child, preferring to communicate with the occasional nod and small body gesture. Hiruzen opened the door to the room and gazed around at the room.

It was bare and impersonal. The room had yellow cracked walls and a small unmade bed in the corner. The window was wide open and the boy stood in front of it. His arms were folded over his stomach as he gazed down at the populated and colourful ambiance on the streets.

Naruto wore a mix of dark colours, navy and black. His clothes were rumpled and well-worn. His hair was overgrown and fell to his chin in messy blond waves. 

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now