Chapter 12: The Bridge Attack

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Naruto plans for his escape and gets caught up in a vicious attack alone on the bridge. Consequences follow.

The sound of the soft chirping of birds filtered through the open window and the air was crisp and cool. The skies were a light pale blue and were adorned with an array of thick moving clouds.

It was very early in the morning and the sun was beginning to rise, signifying the start of a new day. The pale mist-nin pursed his lips tightly in concern, watching the unconscious form of his mentor and caretaker.

He heaved a long sigh and left the room quietly, entering his sparsely furnished lodging. He grabbed his pack and shuffled through his clothing, picking out a soft colourful sleeveless kimono. He lowered his long brown hair from its loose bun and let it fall down his back in soft waves.

He shed his battle clothes and put on the soft fabrics of the pale pink robe. He looked at his reflection and nodded silently to himself. His face was pale, delicate and his features were effeminate. His appearance was soft and his disposition was gentle. His body was lean and lithe. The nin turned on his heel and left the obscured hideout.

He made his way through the impoverished and dreary village with a sad solemn gaze, watching the young orphaned children scrambling for scraps and rummaging through the trash with desperation. They reminded him so much of his younger self and the depressing sight made him turn his gaze away sharply.

He walked through the village, carrying a thin basket in his pale arms. He activated his sensor mode as he reached the small house, counting three chakra signatures from the bridge builder's humble abode. The Jounin's chakra was feint and very weak. The other two chakra signatures were thrumming lowly. They were still asleep.

The mist-nin frowned to himself. A chakra signature is missing.

The brunette entered the woods quietly, making his way through the thick foliage while eyeing the plants on the ground. He stretched out his perception, searching for the fourth chakra signature. He cleared his face of any ill intentions as he located the chakra signature.

It was strong and whole. He frowned to himself, recalling a large and life threatening injury occurring in the battlefield. He made his way forward curiously, keeping his expression soft and neutral. He hummed a low tune softly, announcing his presence and appearing harmless as he drew closer.

He sensed the chakra signature up above in the trees and he bent down to pick up a few herbs, inspecting them curiously. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear and crouched down, beginning to leaf through the shrubs on the forest grounds.

The chakra signature landed behind him silently. The mist-nin kept himself occupied with peering at the plants. He was a hidden sensor - a superior one - He possessed a rare and lethal kekkei genkai and he was considered a prodigy for his age. The brunette continued humming softly, focusing in on the chakra behind him.

It felt... different.

The chakra felt different than any other chakra he sensed before. It felt malignant, imbued with dissonance, and it was enormous. He blinked as a shadow loomed over him and he looked over his shoulder with curious brown eyes.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now