Chapter 21: Home

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Naruto runs into an old friend.

The landscape changed as the twelve year old trekked across the Land of Fire. Tall Hashirama trees became sparse and wide fields overtook the woods. The green fields drifted and changed to deserted, uninhabited spaces. The land bespoke of a history forgotten.

The pedestrian paths were filled with weeds and shrubs. They were untravelled, untouched by people for a long time. Abandoned. The blond genin had been on the road for an entire month, taking nondescript and unpopulated pathways to ensure his anonymity.

The wind shifted and grew more crisp. The small woods he trailed through were empty. The blond genin halted his travels and gazed up at the setting sun. Uzumaki Naruto's lips quirked upwards in anticipation. The air tasted different.

He was close to his destination.

Naruto moved to set up camp in the low trees. He flexed his fingers and his strings sailed upwards. He latched onto the trees and propelled his body into the air.

He whirled at a high altitude and landed silently on the branches. Naruto gazed at the greenery and stretched out his palms, creating a barrier of an intricate spiderweb on the ground.

The genin pulled off his bag and leaned against the thick trunk. He gazed up at the setting skies and ate through his dinner of bland dried provisions. The sun sank further in the horizon and he felt a sense of serenity surround him.

His journey was starting. His road had been a long and tiresome one. Naruto peered up at the skies with a weary gaze. He was tired. In his past and in his current life, he had to journey alone.

The burden was always a heavy one. Naruto pulled away from his deprecating thoughts abruptly as a crack of a branch resonated through the quiet space. He stiffened in alarm and held his breath, his eyes searching through the thick trees.

No one should be here.

He was far too deep in the woods for travellers or bandits. He was far from civilization. Wildlife should be his only companion. Naruto flexed his fingers silently, hardening the strings of his web. His blue eyes narrowed as a figure broke through the clearing.

He was tall, lean and darkly clad in layers of black. Naruto frowned at the sight of the kitsune mask. It was unprecedented. The figure paused at the foot of the clearing, tilting his head to the side curiously. His gaze locked on the invisible web and he looked upwards to the trees knowingly.

Naruto felt his heartbeat speed up rapidly. He knew. He was aware. How? The man had a long katana strapped to his back and his belt held a number of blades. He was a shinobi.

The blond gritted his teeth and he cursed in his head at his terrible luck. He was close to reaching Uzushiogakure. Naruto masked his chakra and moved his strings towards the nin silently, watching them slither towards him with lethal intent.

The nin leaped away with practiced ease and he body flickered to the trees in a flash of black. Naruto cursed and broke out of his hiding spot. His strings attached to his back and he pulled his dual swords off in a fluid move.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now