Chapter 11: Claim to Freedom

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Naruto and Kurama have a chat. Team 7 leaves for Wave Kuni.

The sound of steady dripping resonated through the dark space and the dank and unaired smell proliferated through the vicinity. The blond genin closed his eyes tightly and imagined a vast idyllic landscape, flourished with greenery and open space.

He opened his blue eyes and heaved a relieved sigh as he made his way towards the chakra beast. He looked around the large green field. It was filled with an innumerable amount of blue flowers and green shrubs were shrouded distantly in the background.

He leaned back against a familiar tree in the center of the field - a sight that made him ache and smile wanly - and he greeted his ancient friend with a curt nod.

"Hello Kurama," He spoke quietly, his voice echoing through the empty field.

He took a seat underneath the large tree and the soft green blades tickled his fingertips as he curled his small hands into the grass. He looked up at the large chakra beast who knelt down, his crimson eyes were peering at him closely. Naruto closed his eyes and leaned against the tree, taking comfort in the presence and closeness of his ancient friend.

"Your first outside mission is tomorrow." Kurama spoke in an old grainy voice.

The blond slid his eyes open slowly and nodded. "Yes, we're guarding an inebriated bridge builder."

Kurama hummed silently, a loud thrumming noise that shook the bars of his cell. Naruto gazed at his friend as he rested a hand on the bark of the large tree wistfully. He regarded his friend thoughtfully and his expression turned serious.

"I have mapped out multiple alternate routes so far. I will do more reconnaissance on the  guarding mission. I have decided on the Chuunin Exams as the best time to leave." Naruto leaned forward, clasping his hands in front of him intently.

"Chuunin Exams." Kurama spoke thoughtfully. "You may encounter another sacrifice such as yourself."

Naruto's head snapped up in surprise. "Really?"

"Representatives will come from different villages. There is a small chance there will be another vessel present but I cannot be sure until they are nearby. I will be able to sense them within a close proximity."

Naruto frowned. "Another like me huh? Interesting... So one of your siblings..." The blond trailed off, his expression grew angry on behalf of his old friend.

The fox remained silent in deep reflection. Naruto heaved a long troubled sigh. He never understood the actions of Senju Hashirama. He had sealed all the chakra beasts in human vessels and every vessel was given to different village to create a semblance of power balance.

The nature of a power balance was false and mere lip-service. Konoha was the strongest village in all the Elemental Nations and they were in possession of the nine-tailed beast. The strongest Bijuu of them all. The beasts had been free beings who did not interfere or interact with humans. They were spirits that did not care for human affairs.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now