Chapter 20: Allies

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Uchiha Shisui sets off to reunite with his protege. Gaara makes his choice.

Six years ago

A callused hand broke through the surface of the rushing waters and a soaked teen slammed against the ragged stone with a sharp gasp. The fifteen year old coughed and wheezed in pain as his body hit the large boulder.

The nin's lean form trembled in excruciating pain and his vision spun from the harsh impact. He gripped the edge of the large stone weakly and heaved himself upward with a cry of pain. The blood seeped from his hollow right eye socket and he stared around him in bewilderment.

He was alive.

Uchiha Shisui rolled on his back with a pained groan and he gazed up at the dark skies in disbelief. His vision was blurry and distorted. His dark locks were matted to his pale face and his fingertips felt numb. The nin lifted his head weakly and gazed around him.

It was dark.

The landscape was unfamiliar. Shisui raised a shaking hand and pressed it to his rapidly beating heart. The shinobi felt his sole eye well up in frustrated tears. Why? He had jumped to his death. He had bid his best friend a permanent farewell. He had failed. Why? He should have not survived the fall.

Shisui stood up shakily and his entire form seared in agony. The blood trickled from his numerous injuries and he gritted his teeth as he took a shaking step forward.

He peered around him in bewilderment.

Where the hell am I?

Tall, tall trees surrounded the rushing waters and thick greenery encompassed him from all sides. The Uchiha prodigy peered at the bright constellations in the sky and he felt his heart sink in realization.

He was far.

He was very far from the village.

The pale nin felt his vision blur and he swayed on his feet unsteadily. Shisui fell forward and hit the ground with a loud resonating thud.

He lay on the ground shakily. The shivers wracked through his darkly clad form and he stared up at the stars helplessly. Everything was burning. Shisui lifted his shaking hands upwards and he peered at his trembling fingers.

The poison coursed through his body lethally and his heart pulsed rapidly. His veins were darkening and there was a purple hue to his fingernails.

He was dying.

Shisui rolled on his back as a wave of agony overcame him sharply. He pressed a hand to his mouth as a wet rattled cough broke past his blue lips. He pulled back his moist hand and his eye widened in horror as he gazed at the blood painting his palm.

Internal damage.

Shisui fell back on the muddied ground and he released a dry mirthless chuckle. He survived the fall but he was going to meet his end from the administered poison.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora