Chapter 29: Uzushio's Call

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Neji enters Whirlpool. Karin and Sasuke train in medic jutsu. Sakura trains. Three years pass. Uzushio calls her children home.

The genin moved through the landscape hurriedly, pushing against his injuries. He followed the crow, pale eyes curious and anticipatory. A nervousness thrummed through him and he pushed ahead - hope consolidated in his chest.

Hyuga Neji scrunched his nose at the salty smell in the air and he broke through the boulders staring at the waters, stretching on as far as the eye can see. He stared at the whirlpools, large and dangerous and he walked alongside the sand curiously. He eyed the boulders behind him, moving through them carefully.

There was no entrance, no sign of habitation, it was all rocks and sand.

His heart plummeted - Had he been tricked? - He had been so desperate, so hopeful, when the request came to him that he risked everything. He berated himself silently - He was a seasoned shinobi, the best of his year and yet so easily fooled. Neji sat down tiredly. He didn't care anymore - He had left, faked his own demise and the seal on his head was a ticking time bomb.

It was only a matter of time before Hiashi-sama called the search off and activated the seal - frying his brain for good. He wondered if a life as in vegetative state would be better than his current life as a servant to the first branch. He closed his eyes tiredly, listening to the waves.

It was peaceful.

He heard the scrunch of footsteps on the sand - deliberate and noisy - His eyes shot open and he pulled out a blade as the shadow stretched, moving closer to him. It was the nondescript merchant in his disguise. He grinned down at him, all sharp teeth. Neji stood up hurriedly, eyeing him warily.

The man raised a hand and the crow summons landed on his fingertips.

"I see you've made your choice," he drawled, voice sounding much younger than he expected.

His visage was that of a middle aged man - short and stocky. The man smirked and his disguise slithered off him.

A tall, lean figure with curly dark hair and a pale complexion stepped forward. The crow squawked in offence and nipped at his fingers. The man laughed, lips stretching into a smile as he soothed his summons. He turned to him with a dark eye - the other covered by an eye patch - and he offered him a callused hand.

Neji stared warily.

The man huffed - He couldn't be more than twenty - He spread his arms wide.

"Welcome to Whirlpool Hyuga Neji."

Neji frowned.

"There's nothing here."

The shinobi chuckled and he turned on his heel - footsteps silent on the sand.

"That's because we are hidden," he snickered with child-like glee.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now