Chapter 37: Surrender

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Konoha surrenders a little too late.

(A few minutes before the explosion)

Sarutobi Hiruzen evaded the lightning jutsu with a hardened gaze. The edge of his armour was singed and he blocked a slew of blades with a tired grunt. He glared at his opponent. The man was strong and gifted, masterful with an array of various techniques. He sent an earth shattering jutsu to the rooftop, watching as the man leaped from the attack. He chased after him, each trading hits with one another. Light pulsed behind him and he glanced back, watching as Shisui summoned his susanoo for a second time.

Hiruzen substituted his body with a clone, trading hits with his opponent. The fight went on. He felt his body grow tired. He was not in the prime of his youth. He moved his hands in a fast seal, streaking blood on the ground to call forth his summon. The monkey king greeted him with a cordial air. His opponent paused, taking in the figure of Enma. His caution was warranted. Enma was strong. The summons drew forth his sword and lunged. The pair parried in perfectly executed kenjutsu strokes.

Blade clashed with blade.

Enma slashed at his opponent's head. The man pulled back in the last second, mask cracking from the force. It clattered heavily to the ground. Hiruzen's eyes grew wide as he stared at the Last Uchiha.

"Uchiha Sasuke." He breathed in shock.

Sasuke was older. His hair was longer and his expression was angry. He glared at the Hokage, lightning bristling at his fingertips. It was odd, seeing an Uchiha wielding lightning. The clan were a fire force. The fight continued around them as the Hokage stared at the missing-nin in disbelief.

Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Sasuke.


"Is Shisui-kun your leader?"

Sasuke paused, blinking at the leader of the village in confusion. His lips lifted in reluctant mirth. He shook his head, eyes falling to the center of the village. Hiruzen followed his gaze as Enma kept guard. The anomalous cage of strings continued moving through the village. Shinobi from different villages fought fighters of the Leaf. He saw men and women from Iwa, Kiri, Ame Kumo and other affiliations among the assault.

It was a planned and coordinated attack.

Hiruzen continued watching, eyes moving forward. The Hokage monument was in shambles. A figure stood in front of the monument, standing in front of the debris of the fourth kage.

Hiruzen blinked at the sight. He pulsed chakra to his eyes to see better. Yondaime? No. The figure was taller than Minato Namikaze. He was leaner and tanner. His hair was messier and held in a different style. Seals marked his arms and he stared up at the cage, unbothered by the chaos around him. Hiruzen felt the despair seize him as he connected the dots.

The yondaime's son had returned.

"He is our leader." Sasuke spoke.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now