Chapter 7: The Last Uchiha

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Sarutobi makes a decision, Itachi grieves the impeding loss and Sasuke has a breakdown.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gazed tiredly at the ceasefire contract from Sunakagure with a drawn sigh. He lowered the document on his desk, taking a deep inhale from his pipe. He froze in his chair as he felt the familiar and terrifying bout of miasmic chakra of the Kyūbi implode and cover the entirety of the village.

His eyes widened in shock and horror, his pipe dropping from his mouth in alarm and clattering loudly on his desk. The screams of terror echoed distantly outside the Hokage Tower, civilians panicking as they felt the familiar explosion of chakra from seven years ago.

The ANBU operatives immediately appeared in his office, their postures tense and waiting for instructions. Hiruzen stood up hurriedly, his wide eyes looking over the gathered shinobi.

"Find Uzumaki Naruto immediately." He ordered.

The ANBU operatives bowed deeply and vanished. Hiruzen sat down quickly, taking out his crystal ball from his drawer and focusing his chakra to locate the Uzumaki child. He released a startled breath as he found the boy laying unconscious in the woods by the Uchiha compounds, red coils of chakra were swirling around his dormant form and creating a protective and impenetrable barrier.

He watched as the ANBU operatives made it onto the scene but froze upon seeing the malignant chakra. They circled around Uzumaki Naruto but kept a safe distance from the chakra vessel. They watched helplessly, unable to approach closer until the barrier receded. The shinobi crouched down on nearby branches and made a restrictive parameter around the unconscious Jinchūriki.

There was nothing they could do until Uzumaki Naruto dispelled the barrier. Hiruzen pursed his lips in concern and fear, his wrinkled hands held tightly onto his crystal ball as he watched the unconscious boy with bated breath.

The Sandaime Hokage watched the sleeping boy with a tired and exhausted gaze. Uzumaki Naruto was surrounded by ANBU operatives and he lay sleeping in a private room in Konoha's General Hospital. Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping in tiredness as he gazed upon the golden haired child who did not move since they brought him in.

He wasn't waking up.

It had been three days since the incident. Daytime fell to night. The moon waned and the days passed and the child was not waking up. He was hooked up to fluids to ensure he would remain hydrated but he was not gaining his consciousness. His eyelids fluttered occasionally and his fingers twitched but he did not wake up. His red chakra had receded and it took a long time for the shinobi dispatched to calm down the distraught villagers.

The Kyūbi was not released.

Uzumaki Naruto was unharmed.

Hiruzen looked out the window, eyeing the cloudy dark skies, his pipe hanging from his lips unlit. What happened? What caused the Kyūbi's chakra to unleash itself? The Sandaime sighed heavily and turned back to the sleeping child, watching the small boy's chest rise and fall with every breath. The Hokage rubbed his temples tiredly. The council was on his case wanting answers but he had none. He had questioned the ANBU operatives but they all reported no known cause to Uzumaki's outburst.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now