Chapter 35: Carnage

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Konoha shinobi get smacked down. Nara Shikaku makes his choice.

The blade clattered to the ground. The effort was rendered useless against the impenetrable barrier. The young woman stared up at the red chakra strings, eyes falling to the piles of rubble. The damage was catastrophic. She had never seen anything like it. It was a large-scale attack meant to annihilate the village entirely. She felt trapped, village walls closing in, as the red strings moved closer and closer.

Konoha shinobi stood in large numbers, pushing back in futility, blades falling prey to the moving string walls. Sakura's frown deepened and she dispensed with an enemy's lone clone with a chakra-infused fist.

Her eyes tracked a figure that moved on the rooftops in a dark blur. Her eyes trailed his path and she cursed. The nin was moving towards the Hokage tower. The kunoichi sprinted, running past foes and allies alike, her mind a single-minded track. The nin was fast. Sakura removed her added weights and charged forward, chakra pumping her feet as she moved in a flash of speed.

She intercepted the nin's path, steel in her hands. The nin paused, eyeing her for a moment. He was tall, broad shouldered, with dual swords strapped to his back. His features were obscured by a kitsune mask and a dark green cloak covered his upperform.

"Move." He ordered in a low tone.

Sakura's face hardened at his blatant dismissal.


The nin cocked his head to the side, gaze lingering over her. He exhaled a drawn sigh - muttering under his breath incoherently. Sakura clenched her hands in preparation. The nin bent his knees, sword falling into his hands - a long black steel katana gleamed, marked with red swirls.

The nin lowered his hood, dark curls tumbled down. He took a practiced stance and she bent her knees, anticipating the lunge. A hand lingered on his mask, fingers twitching before he lowered it down a small fraction.

She stared ahead, curiosity overtaking her.

Sakura locked her gaze on swirling red and her stomach dropped in horror. She was a second too late to stop her entrapment. She fell for his trick, anticipating a frontal physical attack. Sakura felt the world recede as she fell into a world of red and genjutsu. 

Nara Shikaku rushed through the fray, signaling another team forward. He had a duty as the Jounin Commander to maintain order. He watched his subordinates fall in battle. The cloaked kitsune nin were powerful. Each individual was a struggle to hold back. Each fighter was a powerhouse.

Shikaku cursed as massive pillars of ice encased an entire squad of unsuspecting genin. He watched as a cloaked woman took flight in the air - flying - small wings fluttering on her back and she rained poisoned senbon on the shinobi. Bubbles floated in the air, trapping shinobi inside, impenetrable as the nin thrashed for air and choked slowly, eyes bulging wide and faces turning red.

Uzushiogakure had demands.

The carnage will not stop until its demands are met.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now