Chapter 36: Carnage II

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War outside Konoha. War within Konoha.

(Three days before the invasion)

The sand drifted through the vicinity. The heat was heavy and it lingered in the stale air. Nin stood guard at the village gates, staring off listlessly into the dunes. The man yawned, rubbing his dry eyes with his callused hands. He straightened up abruptly at the sharp gasp of his patrol partner.

He stared into the dunes, eyes narrowing in question.

What is that?

The man felt the tremors echo through the dunes, drawing closer with each passing moment. He felt the terror seize him as he recognized the shape in the distance. It drew closer and closer. He turned to his patrol partner in terror. Both locked eyes and dashed to their respective positions. The man summoned a dirt wall in vain, watching as his teammate ran into the village, heading towards the tower of the Kazekage.

The tremors increased and the murmurs picked up in the village. Civilians peeked out of their homes. Men paused in their sales. Women grabbed their children in their arms in fright. Shinobi of sand landed upon the village wall. Other nin drifted to the guard, adding to his barrier with their own jutsus. The shinobi watched in horror as the chakra beast drew closer.

Ichibi had disappeared with the Kazekage's heir years ago.

Today he returned.

The nin trembled in fear. His palms grew sweaty and he yelled out orders as the Ichibi broke through his dirt wall. He looked at the massive entity, freezing in terror as he locked eyes with it. It grinned at the sight of the gathered shinobi. The nin blinked in confusion. There was no rider on Ichibi. It came here on its own. It was without an agent, moving freely. Ichibi opened its large maw and began laughing, an eerie high pitched sound of glee and delight ran through the village.

It snapped its tail forward, breaking through the village walls.

Screams erupted through the village as Suna fell under attack.

The man made his way to the top of the boulder. He stared down at the village in curiosity. He wanted to watch its fall. Stale polluted wind blew towards him. His lavender eyes took in the sight of the chakra beast walking through the village. The beast was one of the rare peaceful ones. It did not seek to kill but agreed to take a stroll through the village. It was strange to think of the chakra beasts as sentient beings with intelligence and odd idiosyncrasies.

Structures fell to the beast's earth-shattering steps. Ame nin scrambled at the unexpected threat. The nin's partner landed next to him - a silent presence at his side.

"To build a new world, we must destroy the old one." He spoke solemnly.

He watched as the fuinjutsu specialists attempted to seal the beast. The attempt failed and the nin disappeared to the alarm of their gathered allies. Pain watched the scene in fascination. He had collected the vessels to weaken the villages. He did not expect to use them this way. It was a good application of the chakra entity's power. Pain turned away from the sight as people fell. He exchanged silent nods with his partner.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now