Chapter 10: D-Rank Missions

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D-rank missions go sour very quickly.

The genin's blue eyes narrowed at the content of the D-rank mission scroll in his hands, his teeth gritted angrily as he read it over a second time. His fingers curled tightly on the thin paper and he tossed the scroll to his pale teammate silently, turning on his heel hurriedly.

He ignored his female teammate urging him to slow down and he made his way through the village with brisk steps, glaring hatefully at any of the villagers that glanced his way. His anger was rolling off him in waves as he made his way through the familiar streets, his legs leading him to a path he hadn't taken since he was five years old.

Naruto stopped in front of the large debilitated building of the orphanage, his eyes taking in the sight of the children running around outside in the dried fields. He saw a few matrons and caretakers lounging outside, enjoying the sun and warm weather.

His teammates fell into steps behind him and he stalked forward, his fists clenched angrily. The caretakers looked up at their arrival and they did a double take as they saw him.

The children looked on as they eyed the team of genin. Naruto ignored the hostile looks and made his way through the building with familiarity. He stepped inside and released a long breath, taking in the old walls, his body bristling at the memories of neglect, hunger and pain.

He looked down the hall where he knew the head matron's office was. He made his way down the halls and knocked hurriedly on the door. Her soft voice echoed from behind the door and it swung open.

The matron's eyes widened and an expression of horror overtook her wizened face as she saw him. She took a step back as he glared at her hatefully. She had been responsible for so many of his bruises and broken bones. She had watched the older children beat him down as a little child again and again.

She had never lifted a finger and watched him suffer with a mean sneer on her face. Her eyes locked on the hitae-ate on his neck and she gulped, raising a finger shakily and pointing at him.

"W-why a-are you here demon?" She spat hatefully.

Naruto reached behind him and grabbed the mission scroll from the frozen fingers of his teammate's hands. Uchiha and Haruno were staring wide eyed at the matron, their expressions confused and alarmed. Naruto held out the scroll to the matron with icy eyes.

"We are here to fulfill our D-rank mission." He rasped hatefully, glaring at her.

The matron gazed at the scroll with narrowed eyes, a sneer marring her aged face. "You're here to help with the children?" She intoned in a low tone, glaring down at him with blatant hatred.

"Did I fucking stutter?" Naruto hissed lowly, tossing the scroll to the woman carelessly.

She stumbled with the scroll and caught it before turning a haughty glare onto him. Naruto glared right back, his fists clenched at his sides. The matron turned to the scroll with a sour face and unrolled it, reading over the content hurriedly. She pursed her lips tightly, glaring at the content.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now