Chapter 40 (Alex's POV)

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"DRUGS?" Piper asks. Her blue irises visually dull. I look up to Nicky as she bounces anxiously in the bunk across from the one me and Piper are on.

Sighing, Nicky nods timidly. Piper puts her head in her hands. She babbles incoherent thoughts as her knee bounces up and down.

I shoot my arm out and halt her shaking knee. Partially because I wanted to reassure her that we'd take care of the situation; and also because it was annoying me.

"Maybe we should plant it on someone else?" I suggest. Piper gives me a look that tells me that plan is out of the question.

"Can we maybe hide it and then just see if maybe the guards find it on their own? They won't have anyone to accuse..." Piper's eyebrows scrunch together as she thinks of things we could do.

"We can't, then all us Junkies will get accused and punished probably because they'll think we smuggled it in. Last thing we need is someone finding it before the guards and getting stoned too." Nicky explains.

"Ask Red for help, she has connections and could get rid of it." I tell her.

"No!" Nicky jolts up in a panicky matter. "Red will think Im falling back into my old habits of using and then she'll disown me! Please Vause, Chapman; don't tell her." Nicky begs.

I nod without hesitation. I knew how much Red meant to Nicky; it would be cruel to take that away from her. "Well then what the hell do we do?" Piper asks while running her hand through her dirty blonde hair.

"Luscheck!" Nicky claps her hands together. She smiles as if she had cracked the code and won a million dollar prize.

"What?" Piper and I say in unison. I look in Pipers direction and for the first time I actually see how bad she looks. She's extremely pale and looks very tired; the bags under her eyes just add to that observation. Not to mention the glow of life in her eyes just isn't there anymore. Piper sits up straight as well, she looks tense.

My heart breaks for her. I wish she could relax and didn't look like that. I was Alex Vause, the strong one in this relationship. I was supposed to keep her stress free and happy. I was supposed to handle the hardships we faced. My poor girl looks like she hasn't had a break in awhile.

"Luscheck!" Nicky says again. Piper and I just glance at each other wondering if Nicky has fallen off her rocker. She sighs exasperatedly, "Luscheck uses. He could probably get rid of this shit for me." Nicky explains.

"How the hell do you know that Luscheck uses?" Piper asks confused.

"Hey, you know how people have Gaydars?  Well I have a Stoner radar, or a Stone-ar." Nicky puffs her chest out proudly.

I give a small chuckle at that. "What if you're wrong?" I ask.

"Believe me, Im not. I used to be one too remember? Takes one to know one." Nicky murmurs the last part.

Piper remains silent at that last part. I clear my throat uncomfortably. "What if Luscheck rats you out? You'll go to max!" Piper finally speaks up.

Nicky sadly looks at Piper. "I need to try. I can't let someone else get sent to max when this is my problem."

My heart swells in respect for Nicky. She bounces off in another direction. I hope she knows what shes doing.

Piper yawns. "Why don't you rest?" I suggest. She shakes her head no and says that she has to go work on the washing machine again soon. "Babe, you look dead on your feet. Just rest for a little while. You try to please everyone before putting your own needs first." I try and reason with her.

"Im fine." Piper insists stubbornly. "Really? Whens the last time you slept Piper? Ate? How about showered?" I ask.

She remains quiet. I sigh tiredly; this girl really knew how to push my buttons at times. Why couldn't she just see I wanted to help her?

"Im sorry." She mumbles, her voice coming out hoarse. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "For what?" I ask confused.

"I know you're trying to take care of me. But I just have been dealing with stuff, Its just been stressful." She refuses to meet my eyes. "I'll try and take better care of myself. Thank you for watching out for me."

I grin. "Good, because you are starting to stink a little..." I trail off teasingly. Pipers face reddens and she punches my arm playfully. "Im just kidding." I laugh as she laughs along.


Hey guys!! Im sorry its been so long. Im dealing with some personal stuff right now and Im just having a hard time. Schools been pretty stressful too...

This is reeeeeally short and Im sorry!! Its just a small little filler so you guys know Im alive and haven't forgotten you guys. Thanks for all the support in this fan fiction too!

I love you all❤️.

~ Gabrielle💁🏻

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