Chapter 7 (Alexs POV)

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I lay with Piper. She looks so broken...

I struggle to make sure I don't hurt her as I move a little to get comfortable. I feel like crying, seeing how broken she is...

But I need to stay strong.

For her.

She cuddles into my side and it feels like we mold together. Not one part of either of us uncomfortable.

Piper looks at me, face serious and dazzling. "Why do you always feel so inevitable to me?" Piper asks calmly and curious, taking me off guard with that question. She buries her head into my chest.

So I play with her hair. And I realize how scary it was thinking I could have lost her. So I need to cherish our time together.

"I heart you." I say softly.

I hear her chuckle slightly.

"I heart you too." I hear her mumble before her breathing slows into a slow pace and she falls to sleep.

After awhile, Piper starts to mutter things in her sleep.


I smirk. She said my name in her sleep. And she says it again.

"Alex don't leave me...."

I whisper in her ear soothingly that Im here and she relaxes a little. I put my hand on her cheek and have my thumb rub in circles.

What could she be dreaming about? Was it bad? Was it good? Why would I be leaving her?

As night falls, Bennett is on rounds again. I sort of feel bad, it looks like he hasn't slept in awhile. Poor guy.

Soon, Nicky wanders into Pipers cube. "Hey Vause." She says at a reasonable volume to not wake Piper.

"Hey Nicky." I say lowly.

She looks like something is on her mind, but she avoids it and asks where Red is.

"She's not here. Hasn't been in awhile. I think I saw her head to Big Boo's cube though."

"Thanks Vause."

She sprints off towards Big Boo's cube. A short while later, I start to doze off too.

Take off my glasses and lay them by Pipers books. I lay my head back on her pillow and I drift into a peaceful sleep.


In the morning, I wake up before Piper. I hear some conversations other people are having.

Taystee is talking to Crazy Eyes about something, that has to do with some book.

"Would you want an' actual book? Or a step stool? Because don't go fucking with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." Taystee exclaims.

I laugh a little. Ah Taystee.

Piper starts to stir slightly and I see her eyes open. She blinks a couple times and finally she looks at me.

"Hi." I say slightly.

I grab my glasses and put them on so I can see better.

"Hey." She looks around.

She rests her head on my arm.

"You okay?" Piper asks.

Ah Piper. Always worrying about people before you worry about yourself...

"Im not the one with a broken rib. I should be asking you that." I reply not missing a beat.

"Im fine. Just a little... Sore." She try's to get up but she winces.

"Woah, woah Hercules. Settle down, Im your caretaker. Sit your cute little butt down." She ignores me and sits up anyways.

"Im fine, you have to get stuff done Alex. Im not totally helpless." Piper argues.

"Nope. Im yours until you recover. I get your food and medicine. Doc even told me too." I reply lightly.

She glares at me. "Fine." She just sits there an stares at the entrance of the cube.

"If you try and make a break for it Pipes, I'll trip you and have Nicky hold you down on the bed."

She sighs. "Well there goes my plan. Me being a cripple and all, I'd get far."

I snort. "Depends on what mood I was in, I might give you a small head start."

Piper grins. I sit next to her. She leans over and kisses my cheek. I face her, and she kisses me on the lips this time.

Slow and sweet. Piper then lays her head on my lap and holds my hand.

"I love you, Alex."

I smile.

"I love you too, Pipes."

People are called down for mail, and Pipers name gets called. She looks at me curious and confused. I stand up and go down to get it for her.

As I get there, the guards give me it without a problem. The doctor must have told them I'm her care taker.

I see that the sender is her friend Polly. I walk down the hallway and get to Pipers cube to see her sitting there with a book.

"Here you go my lady." I say as I set the envelope on her lap.

Piper sets the book down and looks at the envelope. "Thanks Alex."

I nod and all inmates are told to go down for breakfast. "I'll be right back." I reassure her. She nods and starts to open the envelope and starts to read.

I wait in line and after a little while later I finally get our food. I stroll down to where Piper is in her cube.

She still has the letter in her hands and she looks like she has tears rolling down her face.

"Pipes whats wrong? Does something hurt?" I ask, worry in my voice.

"My parents... They got in a car accident... Their... Gone..." She chokes out.

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