Chapter 22: Part 2 (Alexs POV)

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(A/N Brief little thing. I just want to take moment to say thanks for over 1k reads!! I never thought I would get this far with my silly little fan fiction. Thank you all!!)

I watch helplessly as Pipers head gets dunked under the water by Pennsatucky.

I want to help, to scream out, anything.

But my body isn't cooperating.

I stand as still as a board, as Pipers body stops struggling and falls limp.

Pennsatucky releases her hold on her, and she falls. As she hits the floor, Pennsatucky laughs.

She has a cold murderous smile on her face while she turns to me.

"Now its your turn stretch." And she stalks toward me with the tooth brush that has a blade at the top.


I bolt up.

Body slick from sweat.

Just a nightmare. Only a dream.

Piper is alive, I saved her that day.

I fall back onto my pillow and wipe sweat off my forehead.

I try to fall back to sleep, but that nightmare was just to much.

Ever since Pennsatucky tried to kill Piper that day, the nightmares haven't stopped.

Some worse more than others.

I know I won't be able to sleep until I make sure Piper is okay.

Amazing what this women does to me.

Propping myself on my elbows, I peek over the wall of my cube towards Pipers cot, where I expect her to be reading or just talking with someone.

But my breath catches in my throat as I see her cube is empty. Red isn't even in there.

Panic washes over me.

So I direct my attention towards where Nicky would be.

And she's there. Oh, shes there alright.

No surprise why Piper isn't in her cube, its because Nicky is making 'Lovey Dovey' with Morello.

"Shit!" I angrily whisper.

I grab my boots and slip them on my feet.

And then going hunting to find Piper.

I look in the bathrooms first.

Could she have only gotten a shower or had to use the bathroom before I got up?

But the bathroom is completely empty.

Aside from Big Boo and 2 other girls that is.

I wolf whistle and Big Boo laughs.

But then I remember my hunt for Piper.

Curse my sick lesbian side.

I ponder where else she could be, so I check outside.


Next, I go to the library.

Only a few inmates are in there reading books.

But I don't see the blonde head Im looking for.

I check a couple other places, but I don't see Piper anywhere.

There is one last spot.

Laundry room.

Of course! Why didn't I think of this place sooner.

I sprint through the hallways.

What if I was to late? What if Pennsatucky already...

Don't think like that! I mentally lecture myself.

I enter the room and find Piper on the floor.

She is on her knees and her head is in her hands.

Relief floods through my entire body, calming my nerves.

I walk over to her.

And gently put my hands on her back.

I go to hug her, but she pushes away and stands.

"I don't deserve comfort." She murmurs, tears sliding down her face.

Not giving up, I grab her wrists and pull her towards me.

She tries to push me away, but I just squeeze her closer and tighter.

Piper gives up and her knees buckle.

We sink to the floor together. And I start to kiss her head as she sobs uncontrollably.

"Pipes, calm down." I soothingly whisper in her ear while rubbing circles on her back with my hand.

Piper takes a deep breath trying to control herself.

She is able to tell me what she did.

And I feel a pang of happiness. Maybe we could get rid of Pennsatucky after all.

But I also feel sad that what happened, has done this to Piper.

She stands and I support her.

Commotion is heard outside. She insists on seeing what it is.

But I already know.

We walk out, and see them dragging Pennsatucky to Psych.

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